muu namespace

The root namespace for all muu functions and types.


namespace build
Build environment information (compiler, date/time, support for various things...)
namespace literals inline
Literal operators.
namespace strong_typedef_traits
CRTP-based 'mixin' traits for strong typedefs.


template <typename ValueType, typename Impl = impl::default_accumulator<ValueType>::type>
class accumulator
Determines min, max and sum of an interderminate number of values.
template <typename Scalar>
struct axis_angle
An axis-angle rotation.
class blob
Interface for managing chunks of memory.
template <typename Scalar>
struct bounding_box
An axis-aligned bounding box.
template <typename Scalar>
struct bounding_sphere
A bounding sphere.
template <typename First, typename Second>
class compressed_pair
A pair that uses Empty Base Class Optimization to elide storage for one or both of its members where possible.
template <typename T>
struct constants
A typed container for static constants, similar to std::numeric_limits.
template <>
struct constants<_Float16>
_Float16 constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct constants<bounding_box<Scalar>>
Axis-aligned bounding box constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct constants<bounding_sphere<Scalar>>
Bounding spehere constants.
template <>
struct constants<char>
char constants.
template <>
struct constants<char16_t>
char16_t constants.
template <>
struct constants<char32_t>
char32_t constants.
template <>
struct constants<char8_t>
char8_t constants.
template <>
struct constants<double>
double constants.
template <>
struct constants<float>
float constants.
template <>
struct constants<float128_t>
float128_t constants.
template <>
struct constants<half>
16-bit half-precision float constants.
template <>
struct constants<int128_t>
int128_t constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct constants<line_segment<Scalar>>
Line segment constants.
template <>
struct constants<long double>
long double constants.
template <typename Scalar, size_t Rows, size_t Columns>
struct constants<matrix<Scalar, Rows, Columns>>
Matrix constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct constants<oriented_bounding_box<Scalar>>
Oriented bounding box constants.
template <typename Integer, size_t Dimensions>
struct constants<packed_unit_vector<Integer, Dimensions>>
Packed unit vector constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct constants<plane<Scalar>>
Plane constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct constants<quaternion<Scalar>>
Quaternion constants.
template <>
struct constants<signed char>
signed char constants.
template <>
struct constants<signed int>
signed int constants.
template <>
struct constants<signed long>
signed long constants.
template <>
struct constants<signed long long>
signed long long constants.
template <>
struct constants<signed short>
signed short constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct constants<triangle<Scalar>>
Triangle constants.
template <>
struct constants<uint128_t>
uint128_t constants.
template <>
struct constants<unsigned char>
unsigned char constants.
template <>
struct constants<unsigned int>
unsigned int constants.
template <>
struct constants<unsigned long>
unsigned long constants.
template <>
struct constants<unsigned long long>
unsigned long long constants.
template <>
struct constants<unsigned short>
unsigned short constants.
template <>
struct constants<uuid>
UUID constants.
template <typename Scalar, size_t Dimensions>
struct constants<vector<Scalar, Dimensions>>
Vector constants.
template <>
struct constants<wchar_t>
wchar_t constants.
template <typename T>
class emplacement_array
Simple std::vector-like array type for immovable or move-only types.
template <typename Scalar>
struct euler_angles
A set of euler angles used for rotation.
template <typename Character, size_t Length>
class fixed_string
A null-terminated string for compile-time string manipulation.
template <size_t Bits = (sizeof(size_t)* CHAR_BIT)>
class fnv1a
FNV-1a hasher.
template <typename Func>
class function_view
A non-owning, type-erasing view of a callable object (functions, lambdas, etc.).
struct half
A 16-bit "half-precision" IEEE754 floating point type.
template <size_t Bits = (sizeof(size_t)* CHAR_BIT)>
class hash_combiner
A hash combiner for integral hashes.
template <typename Char = char>
struct hex_char_pair
A pair of code units in a byte pair.
template <typename T>
struct integral_range
A half-open range of integral values (ints, enums, pointers).
template <typename Scalar>
struct line_segment
A line segment.
template <typename Scalar, size_t Rows, size_t Columns>
struct matrix
A matrix.
template <typename Scalar>
struct oriented_bounding_box
An oriented bounding box.
template <typename Integer, size_t Dimensions>
struct packed_unit_vector
A utility type for lossy packing of 2D or 3D unit vectors into a single integer.
template <typename Scalar>
struct plane
A plane.
template <typename Scalar>
struct quaternion
A quaternion.
template <typename Scalar>
struct ray
A ray.
template <typename Scalar, size_t Dimensions>
struct sat_tester
A helper utility for performing Separating-Axis Theorem tests.
template <typename T>
class scope_fail
Performs actions when going out of scope due to an exception being thrown.
template <typename T>
class scope_guard
Performs actions when going out of scope.
template <typename T>
class scope_success
Performs actions when going out of scope only if no exceptions have been thrown.
class sha1
SHA-1 hasher.
class source_location
A backport of C++20's std::source_location.
template <typename T, size_t Extent = dynamic_extent, size_t Alignment = 0>
class span
A non-owning view of contiguous elements.
class spin_mutex
A mutex that acquires locks by spin-waiting.
template <typename T, T... Elements>
struct static_array
A statically-defined array.
class string_param
A move-only string type-eraser capable of representing any UTF string.
template <typename ValueType, typename Tag, template<typename> typename... Traits>
struct strong_typedef
A utility class for creating 'strong typedefs'.
template <typename T, size_t Align = impl::tptr_min_align<T>>
class tagged_ptr
Specialized pointer capable of storing data in the unused bits of a pointer's value.
class thread_pool
A thread pool.
template <typename Scalar>
struct triangle
A triangle.
template <typename... T>
struct type_list
A 'tag' type for encoding/parameterizing lists of types (without the instantiation heft of std::tuple).
class utf16_decoder
A state machine for decoding UTF-16 data.
class utf8_decoder
A state machine for decoding UTF-8 data.
struct uuid
A 128-bit universally-unique identifier (UUID).
template <typename Scalar, size_t Dimensions>
struct vector
An N-dimensional vector.


enum class box_corner: uint8_t { min = 0, x = 1, y = 2, xy = x | y, z = 4, xz = x | z, yz = y | z, xyz = x | y | z, max = xyz }
Corner masks/indices for three-dimensional bounding-boxes.
enum class math_apis { directx = 0, opengl = 1, right_handed = 0, left_handed = 2 }
Flags relating to math APIs w.r.t some graphics + rendering environments (e.g. DirectX).
enum class uuid_variant: uint8_t { none, standard, reserved_ncs, reserved_microsoft, reserved_future }
A UUID variant as per RFC 4122.
enum class uuid_version: uint8_t { none, time, dce, name_md5, random, name_sha1, unknown = 0b1111 }
A UUID version as per RFC 4122.


template <typename T>
using add_const = typename impl::rebase_ref_<T, std::add_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>>::type
Adds a const qualifier to a type or reference.
template <typename T>
using add_cv = typename impl::rebase_ref_<T, std::add_volatile_t<std::add_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>>>::type
Adds const and volatile qualifiers to a type or reference.
template <typename T>
using add_noexcept = copy_cvref<typename impl::add_noexcept_<remove_cvref<T>>::type, T>
Adds a noexcept specifier to a functional type (or reference to one).
template <typename T>
using add_volatile = typename impl::rebase_ref_<T, std::add_volatile_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>>::type
Adds a volatile qualifier to a type or reference.
template <size_t Alignment>
using aligned_byte_span = span<std::byte, dynamic_extent, Alignment>
Convenience alias for span<std::byte, dynamic_extent, Alignment>.
using byte_span = span<std::byte>
Convenience alias for span<std::byte>.
using byteptr_range = integral_range<std::byte*>
Convenience alias for integral_range<std::byte*>.
template <typename T>
using clamp_to_standard_float = demote_if_large_float<promote_if_small_float<T>>
Clamps extended arithmetic floating-point types (e.g. __fp16, __float128) to float or long double.
template <typename T, bool AddConst>
using conditionally_add_const = std::conditional_t<AddConst, add_const<T>, T>
Shorthand for conditionally adding const to a type or reference.
template <typename T, bool AddConstVolatile>
using conditionally_add_cv = std::conditional_t<AddConstVolatile, add_cv<T>, T>
Shorthand for conditionally adding const and volatile qualifiers to a type or reference.
template <typename T, bool AddVolatile>
using conditionally_add_volatile = std::conditional_t<AddVolatile, add_volatile<T>, T>
Shorthand for conditionally adding volatile to a type or reference.
using const_byte_span = span<const std::byte>
Convenience alias for span<const std::byte>.
template <typename T, size_t Extent = dynamic_extent, size_t Alignment = 0>
using const_span = span<const T, Extent, Alignment>
Convenience alias for span<const T, Extent>.
template <typename T, typename CopyFrom>
using copy_const = set_const<T, is_const<CopyFrom>>
Copies the constness (or lack thereof) from one type or reference to another.
template <typename T, typename CopyFrom>
using copy_cv = copy_const<copy_volatile<T, CopyFrom>, CopyFrom>
Copies consteness and volatility (or lack thereof) from one type or reference to another.
template <typename T, typename CopyFrom>
using copy_cvref = copy_ref<copy_cv<std::remove_reference_t<T>, std::remove_reference_t<CopyFrom>>, CopyFrom>
Copies consteness, volatility and reference category (or lack thereof) from one type or to another.
template <typename T, typename CopyFrom>
using copy_ref = typename impl::copy_ref_<T, CopyFrom>::type
Copies the reference category (or lack thereof) from one type or to another.
template <typename T, typename CopyFrom>
using copy_signed = set_signed<T, is_signed<CopyFrom>>
Copies the signed-ness (or lack thereof) from one numeric type or reference to another.
template <typename T, typename CopyFrom>
using copy_unsigned = set_unsigned<T, is_unsigned<CopyFrom>>
Copies the unsigned-ness (or lack thereof) from one numeric type or reference to another.
template <typename T, typename CopyFrom>
using copy_volatile = set_volatile<T, is_volatile<CopyFrom>>
Copies the volatility (or lack thereof) from one type or reference to another.
template <typename T>
using demote_if_large_float = std::conditional_t<impl::is_large_float_<T>, typename impl::rebase_ref_<T, copy_cv<long double, T>>::type, T>
Demotes 'large' extended arithmetic floating-point types (e.g. __float128) to long double.
template <typename... T>
using epsilon_type = impl::std_math_common_type<remove_cvref<T>...>
A common epsilon type when comparing floating-point types named by T.
using float128_t = __float128
A 128-bit quad-precision float.
using index_range = integral_range<size_t>
Convenience alias for integral_range<size_t>.
template <size_t N>
using index_tag = std::integral_constant<size_t, N>
A tag type for encoding/parameterizing a single index.
using int128_t = __int128_t
A 128-bit signed integer.
using intptr_range = integral_range<intptr_t>
Convenience alias for integral_range<intptr_t>.
template <typename T, typename... U>
using largest = typename impl::largest_<T, U...>::type
The largest type from a set of types.
template <typename T, typename... U>
using least_aligned = typename impl::least_aligned_<T, U...>::type
The type with the smallest alignment (i.e. having the smallest value for alignment_of<T>) from a set of types.
template <typename T>
using make_cref = std::add_lvalue_reference_t<std::add_const_t<remove_cvref<T>>>
Makes a type into a const lvalue reference (replacing existing cvref qualifiers).
template <typename T>
using make_signed = typename impl::make_signed_<T>::type
Converts a numeric type to the signed equivalent with the same rank.
template <typename T>
using make_unsigned = typename impl::make_unsigned_<T>::type
Converts a numeric type to the unsigned equivalent with the same rank.
template <typename T, typename... U>
using most_aligned = typename impl::most_aligned_<T, U...>::type
The type with the largest alignment (i.e. having the largest value for alignment_of<T>) from a set of types.
template <typename T>
using promote_if_small_float = std::conditional_t<impl::is_small_float_<T>, typename impl::rebase_ref_<T, copy_cv<float, T>>::type, T>
Promotes 'small' extended arithmetic floating-point types (e.g. __fp16, etc.) to float.
template <typename T>
using readonly_param = typename impl::readonly_param_<std::remove_reference_t<T>>::type
Resolves to T or const T& based on the performance characteristics of T being passed by value into a function.
template <typename Ptr, typename NewBase>
using rebase_pointer = typename impl::rebase_pointer_<Ptr, NewBase>::type
Rebases a pointer, preserving the const and volatile qualification of the pointed type.
template <typename T>
using remove_all_pointers = typename impl::remove_all_pointers_<T>::type
Strips every level of pointer from a type.
template <typename T>
using remove_callconv = copy_cvref<typename impl::remove_callconv_<remove_cvref<T>>::type, T>
Removes any explicit calling convention specifiers from functions, function pointers and function references.
template <typename T>
using remove_const = typename impl::rebase_ref_<T, std::remove_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>>::type
Removes the topmost const qualifier from a type or reference.
template <typename T>
using remove_cv = typename impl::rebase_ref_<T, std::remove_volatile_t<std::remove_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>>>::type
Removes the topmost const and volatile qualifiers from a type or reference.
template <typename T>
using remove_cvref = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>
Removes the topmost const, volatile and reference qualifiers from a type.
template <typename T>
using remove_enum = typename impl::remove_enum_<T>::type
Removes the outer enum wrapper from a type, converting it to the underlying integer equivalent.
template <typename T>
using remove_lvalue_reference = typename impl::remove_lvalue_reference_<T>::type
Removes reference qualification from a type if (and only if) it is an lvalue reference.
template <typename T>
using remove_noexcept = copy_cvref<typename impl::remove_noexcept_<remove_cvref<T>>::type, T>
Removes any noexcept specifier from a functional type (or reference to one).
template <typename T>
using remove_rvalue_reference = typename impl::remove_rvalue_reference_<T>::type
Removes reference qualification from a type if (and only if) it is an rvalue reference.
template <typename T>
using remove_volatile = typename impl::rebase_ref_<T, std::remove_volatile_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>>::type
Removes the topmost volatile qualifier from a type or reference.
template <typename T, bool Const>
using set_const = std::conditional_t<Const, add_const<T>, remove_const<T>>
Sets the constness of a type or reference according to a boolean.
template <typename T, bool ConstVolatile>
using set_cv = std::conditional_t<ConstVolatile, add_cv<T>, remove_cv<T>>
Sets the constness and volatility of a type or reference according to a boolean.
template <typename T, bool Signed>
using set_signed = std::conditional_t<Signed, make_signed<T>, make_unsigned<T>>
Sets the signed-ness of a numeric type or reference according to a boolean.
template <typename T, bool Unsigned>
using set_unsigned = std::conditional_t<Unsigned, make_unsigned<T>, make_signed<T>>
Sets the unsigned-ness of a numeric type or reference according to a boolean.
template <typename T, bool Volatile>
using set_volatile = std::conditional_t<Volatile, add_volatile<T>, remove_volatile<T>>
Sets the volatility of a type or reference according to a boolean.
template <size_t Bits>
using signed_integer = typename decltype(impl::sint_for_bits_impl<Bits>())::type
Gets the signed integer type with a specific number of bits for the target platform.
template <typename T, typename... U>
using smallest = typename impl::smallest_<T, U...>::type
The smallest type from a set of types.
template <auto I, typename... T>
using type_at_index = /* ... */
The type at the given index in the list.
template <typename T>
using type_identity = typename impl::type_identity_<T>::type
Provides an identity type transformation.
template <typename T>
using type_tag = type_list<T>
A tag type for encoding/parameterizing a single type.
using uint128_t = __uint128_t
A 128-bit unsigned integer.
using uintptr_range = integral_range<uintptr_t>
Convenience alias for integral_range<uintptr_t>.
template <size_t Bits>
using unsigned_integer = typename decltype(impl::uint_for_bits_impl<Bits>())::type
Gets the unsigned integer type with a specific number of bits for the target platform.
template <typename T>
using vector_param = typename impl::vector_param_<std::remove_reference_t<T>>::type
Same as readonly_param, but also takes SIMD vector types and MSVC's __vectorcall into account.
using w_axis_tag = index_tag<3>
An index_tag specialization for representing the W axis.
using x_axis_tag = index_tag<0>
An index_tag specialization for representing the X axis.
using y_axis_tag = index_tag<1>
An index_tag specialization for representing the Y axis.
using z_axis_tag = index_tag<2>
An index_tag specialization for representing the Z axis.


auto abs(half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Returns the absolute value of a half-precision float.
auto abs(float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Returns the absolute value of a float.
auto abs(double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the absolute value of a double.
auto abs(long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Returns the absolute value of a long double.
auto abs(float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Returns the absolute value of a float128_t.
auto abs(_Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Returns the absolute value of a _Float16.
auto abs(signed char x) -> signed char constexpr noexcept
Returns the absolute value of a signed char.
auto abs(short x) -> short constexpr noexcept
Returns the absolute value of a short.
auto abs(int x) -> int constexpr noexcept
Returns the absolute value of an int.
auto abs(long x) -> long constexpr noexcept
Returns the absolute value of a long.
auto abs(long long x) -> long long constexpr noexcept
Returns the absolute value of a long long.
template <typename T>
auto abs(T x) -> T constexpr noexcept
Returns the absolute value of an integral type.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto abs(const vector<S, D>& v) -> vector<S, D> constexpr noexcept
Returns a copy of a vector with all scalar components set to their absolute values.
auto acos(half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc cosine of a half-precision float.
auto acos(float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc cosine of a float.
auto acos(double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc cosine of a double.
auto acos(long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc cosine of a long double.
auto acos(float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc cosine of a float128_t.
auto acos(_Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc cosine of a _Float16.
template <typename T>
auto acos(T x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc cosine of an integer.
auto aligned_alloc(size_t size, size_t alignment) -> void* noexcept
Allocates memory on a specific alignment boundary.
void aligned_free(void* ptr) noexcept
Frees memory that was allocated using muu::aligned_alloc().
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto angle(const vector<S, D>& v1, const vector<S, D>& v2) -> delta_scalar_type constexpr noexcept
Calculates the angle between two vectors.
template <size_t Alignment, typename T>
auto apply_alignment(T val) -> T constexpr noexcept
Rounds an unsigned value up to the next multiple of the given alignment.
template <size_t Alignment, typename T>
auto apply_alignment(T* ptr) -> T* constexpr noexcept
Rounds a pointer up to the byte offset that is the next multiple of the given alignment.
template <typename T>
auto apply_alignment(T val, size_t alignment) -> T constexpr noexcept
Rounds an unsigned value up to the next multiple of the given alignment.
template <typename T>
auto apply_alignment(T* ptr, size_t alignment) -> T* constexpr noexcept
Rounds a pointer up to the byte offset that is the next multiple of the given alignment.
template <typename T, typename Offset>
auto apply_offset(T* ptr, Offset offset) -> T* constexpr noexcept
Applies a byte offset to a pointer.
template <typename S, typename T>
auto approx_equal(const bounding_box<S>& bb1, const bounding_box<T>& bb2, epsilon_type<S, T> epsilon = default_epsilon<S, T>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two bounding boxes are approximately equal.
template <typename S, typename T>
auto approx_equal(const bounding_sphere<S>& bs1, const bounding_sphere<T>& bs2, epsilon_type<S, T> epsilon = default_epsilon<S, T>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two bounding spheres are approximately equal.
auto approx_equal(half a, half b, half epsilon = constants<half>::default_epsilon) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two half-precision floats are approximately equal.
template <typename S, typename T>
auto approx_equal(const line_segment<S>& seg1, const line_segment<T>& seg2, epsilon_type<S, T> epsilon = default_epsilon<S, T>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two line segments are approximately equal.
auto approx_equal(float a, float b, float epsilon = default_epsilon<float>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two floats are approximately equal.
auto approx_equal(double a, double b, double epsilon = default_epsilon<double>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two doubles are approximately equal.
auto approx_equal(long double a, long double b, long double epsilon = default_epsilon<long double>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two long doubles are approximately equal.
auto approx_equal(float128_t a, float128_t b, float128_t epsilon = default_epsilon<float128_t>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two float128_ts are approximately equal.
auto approx_equal(_Float16 a, _Float16 b, _Float16 epsilon = default_epsilon<_Float16>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two _Float16s are approximately equal.
template <typename T, typename U>
auto approx_equal(T a, U b) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two scalar values are approximately equal.
template <typename S, typename T, size_t R, size_t C>
auto approx_equal(const matrix<S, R, C>& m1, const matrix<T, R, C>& m2, epsilon_type<S, T> epsilon = default_epsilon<S, T>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two matrices are approximately equal.
template <typename S, typename T>
auto approx_equal(const oriented_bounding_box<S>& bb1, const oriented_bounding_box<T>& bb2, epsilon_type<S, T> epsilon = default_epsilon<S, T>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two oriented bounding boxes are approximately equal.
template <typename S, typename T>
auto approx_equal(const plane<S>& p1, const plane<T>& p2, epsilon_type<S, T> epsilon = default_epsilon<S, T>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two planes are approximately equal.
template <typename S, typename T>
auto approx_equal(const quaternion<S>& q1, const quaternion<T>& q2, epsilon_type<S, T> epsilon = default_epsilon<S, T>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two quaternions are approximately equal.
template <typename S, typename T>
auto approx_equal(const ray<S>& ray1, const ray<T>& ray2, epsilon_type<S, T> epsilon = default_epsilon<S, T>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two rays are approximately equal.
template <typename S, typename T>
auto approx_equal(const triangle<S>& tri1, const triangle<T>& tri2, epsilon_type<S, T> epsilon = default_epsilon<S, T>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two triangles are approximately equal.
template <typename S, typename T, size_t D>
auto approx_equal(const vector<S, D>& v1, const vector<T, D>& v2, epsilon_type<S, T> epsilon = default_epsilon<S, T>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if two vectors are approximately equal.
template <typename S>
auto approx_zero(const bounding_box<S>& bb, S epsilon = default_epsilon<S>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if all the scalar components of a bounding box are approximately equal to zero.
template <typename S>
auto approx_zero(const bounding_sphere<S>& bs, S epsilon = default_epsilon<S>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if all the scalar components of a bounding sphere are approximately equal to zero.
auto approx_zero(half x, half epsilon = constants<half>::default_epsilon) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true a half-precision float is approximately equal to zero.
template <typename S>
auto approx_zero(const line_segment<S>& seg, S epsilon = default_epsilon<S>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if all the points in line segment are approximately equal to zero.
auto approx_zero(float x, float epsilon = default_epsilon<float>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a float is approximately equal to zero.
auto approx_zero(double x, double epsilon = default_epsilon<double>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a double is approximately equal to zero.
auto approx_zero(long double x, long double epsilon = default_epsilon<long double>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a long double is approximately equal to zero.
auto approx_zero(float128_t x, float128_t epsilon = default_epsilon<float128_t>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a float128_t is approximately equal to zero.
auto approx_zero(_Float16 x, _Float16 epsilon = default_epsilon<_Float16>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a _Float16 is approximately equal to zero.
template <typename T>
auto approx_zero(T x) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a scalar value is approximately equal to zero.
template <typename S, size_t R, size_t C>
auto approx_zero(const matrix<S, R, C>& m, S epsilon = default_epsilon<S>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if all the scalar components of a matrix are approximately equal to zero.
template <typename S>
auto approx_zero(const oriented_bounding_box<S>& bb, S epsilon = default_epsilon<S>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if all the scalar components of an oriented bounding box are approximately equal to zero.
template <typename S>
auto approx_zero(const plane<S>& p, S epsilon = default_epsilon<S>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if all the scalar components of a plane are approximately equal to zero.
template <typename S>
auto approx_zero(const quaternion<S>& q, S epsilon = default_epsilon<S>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if all the scalar components of a quaternion are approximately equal to zero.
template <typename S>
auto approx_zero(const triangle<S>& tri, S epsilon = default_epsilon<S>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if all the points in triangle are approximately equal to zero.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto approx_zero(const vector<S, D>& v, S epsilon = default_epsilon<S>) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if all the scalar components of a vector are approximately equal to zero.
template <typename T, size_t E, size_t A>
auto as_bytes(span<T, E, A> s) -> span<const std::byte, impl::as_bytes_extent<T, E>> noexcept
Reinterprets a span as an immutable view of the underlying bytes.
template <typename T, size_t E, size_t A>
auto as_writable_bytes(span<T, E, A> s) -> span<std::byte, impl::as_bytes_extent<T, E>> noexcept
Reinterprets a span as a view of the underlying bytes.
auto asin(half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc sine of a half-precision float.
auto asin(float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc sine of a float.
auto asin(double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc sine of a double.
auto asin(long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc sine of a long double.
auto asin(float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc sine of a float128_t.
auto asin(_Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc sine of a _Float16.
template <typename T>
auto asin(T x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc sine of an integer.
template <size_t N, typename T>
auto assume_aligned(T* ptr) -> T* constexpr noexcept
Equivalent to C++20's std::assume_aligned.
auto atan(half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of a half-precision float.
auto atan(float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of a float.
auto atan(double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of a double.
auto atan(long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of a long double.
auto atan(float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of a float128_t.
auto atan(_Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of a _Float16.
template <typename T>
auto atan(T x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of an integer.
auto atan2(half y, half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of a half-precision float.
auto atan2(float y, float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of a float.
auto atan2(double y, double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of a double.
auto atan2(long double y, long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of a long double.
auto atan2(float128_t y, float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of a float128_t.
auto atan2(_Float16 y, _Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of a _Float16.
template <typename X, typename Y>
auto atan2(Y y, X x) -> auto constexpr noexcept
Returns the arc tangent of two arithmetic values.
template <typename T>
auto begin_iterator(T&& iterable) -> auto constexpr noexcept
Returns the 'begin' iterator of an iterable object.
template <typename T, typename U>
auto between(const T& val, const U& low, const U& high) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a value is between two bounds (inclusive).
template <typename To, typename From>
auto bit_cast(const From& from) -> To constexpr noexcept
Equivalent to C++20's std::bit_cast.
template <typename T>
auto bit_ceil(T val) -> T constexpr noexcept
Finds the smallest integral power of two not less than the given value.
template <typename T>
auto bit_fill_left(size_t count) -> T constexpr noexcept
Returns an unsigned integer filled from the left with the desired number of consecutive ones.
template <typename T>
auto bit_fill_right(size_t count) -> T constexpr noexcept
Returns an unsigned integer filled from the right with the desired number of consecutive ones.
template <typename T>
auto bit_floor(T val) -> T constexpr noexcept
Finds the largest integral power of two not greater than the given value.
template <typename Return = void, typename T, typename U, typename... V>
auto bit_pack(T val1, U val2, V... vals) -> auto constexpr noexcept
Bitwise-packs integers left-to-right into a larger integer.
template <typename T>
auto bit_width(T val) -> T constexpr noexcept
Finds the smallest number of bits needed to represent the given value.
template <typename T>
auto byte_reverse(T val) -> T constexpr noexcept
Reverses the byte order of an unsigned integral type.
template <size_t Index, typename T>
auto byte_select(T val) -> uint8_t constexpr noexcept
Gets a specific byte from an integer.
template <typename T>
auto byte_select(T val, size_t index) -> uint8_t constexpr noexcept
Gets a specific byte from an integer.
template <typename Char = char>
auto byte_to_hex(uint8_t byte, Char a = constants<Char>::letter_a) -> hex_char_pair<Char> constexpr noexcept
Converts a byte value to it's equivalent pair of code units in the range [0x0, 0xF].
template <typename Char = char>
auto byte_to_hex(std::byte byte, Char a = constants<Char>::letter_a) -> hex_char_pair<Char> constexpr noexcept
Converts a byte value to it's equivalent pair of code units in the range [0x0, 0xF].
auto ceil(half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Returns the ceiling of a half-precision float.
auto ceil(float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Returns the ceiling of a float value.
auto ceil(double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the ceiling of a double value.
auto ceil(long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Returns the ceiling of a long double value.
auto ceil(float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Returns the ceiling of a float128_t value.
auto ceil(_Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Returns the ceiling of a _Float16 value.
template <typename T>
auto ceil(T x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the ceiling of an integer.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto ceil(const vector<S, D>& v) -> vector<S, D> constexpr noexcept
Returns a copy of a vector with all scalar components set to the lowest integer not less than their original values.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto clamp(const vector<S, D>& v, const vector<S, D>& low, const vector<S, D>& high) -> vector<S, D> constexpr noexcept
Componentwise clamps a vector between two others.
template <typename T>
auto clamp(const T& val, const T& low, const T& high) -> const T& constexpr noexcept
Returns a value clamped between two bounds (inclusive).
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto consteval_distance(const vector<S, D>& p1, const vector<S, D>& p2) -> delta_scalar_type consteval noexcept
Returns the distance between two points.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto consteval_length(const vector<S, D>& v) -> delta_scalar_type consteval noexcept
Returns the length (magnitude) of a vector.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto consteval_normalize(const vector<S, D>& v) -> vector<S, D> consteval noexcept
Normalizes a vector.
auto consteval_sqrt(half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of a half-precision float.
auto consteval_sqrt(float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of a float.
auto consteval_sqrt(double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of a double.
auto consteval_sqrt(long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of a long double.
auto consteval_sqrt(float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of a float128_t.
auto consteval_sqrt(_Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of a _Float16.
template <typename T>
auto consteval_sqrt(T x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of an integer.
template <typename T, typename U>
auto contains(const T& outer, const U& inner) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Checks if an object contains another object.
auto cos(half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Returns the cosine of a half-precision float.
auto cos(float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Returns the cosine of a float.
auto cos(double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the cosine of a double.
auto cos(long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Returns the cosine of a long double.
auto cos(float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Returns the cosine of a float128_t.
auto cos(_Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Returns the cosine of a _Float16.
template <typename T>
auto cos(T x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the cosine of an integer.
template <typename T>
auto countl_one(T val) -> int constexpr noexcept
Counts the number of consecutive 1 bits, starting from the left.
template <typename T>
auto countl_zero(T val) -> int constexpr noexcept
Counts the number of consecutive 0 bits, starting from the left.
template <typename T>
auto countr_one(T val) -> int constexpr noexcept
Counts the number of consecutive 1 bits, starting from the right.
template <typename T>
auto countr_zero(T val) -> int constexpr noexcept
Counts the number of consecutive 0 bits, starting from the right.
template <typename S>
auto cross(const vector<S, 3>& lhs, const vector<S, 3>& rhs) -> product_type constexpr noexcept
Returns the cross product of two three-dimensional vectors.
template <typename Char = char>
auto dec_to_hex(unsigned val, Char a = constants<Char>::letter_a) -> Char constexpr noexcept
Converts an unsigned integer in the range [0x0, 0xF] to it's equivalent code units [0-9, a-f, A-F].
template <typename S>
auto degenerate(const bounding_box<S>& bb) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a bounding box is degenerate (i.e. any of its extents are less than or equal to zero).
template <typename S>
auto degenerate(const bounding_sphere<S>& bs) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a bounding sphere is degenerate (i.e. its radius is less than or equal to zero).
template <typename S>
auto degenerate(const line_segment<S>& seg) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a line segment is degenerate (i.e. its points are coincident).
template <typename T, size_t N>
auto degenerate(const T(&vals)[N]) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any value in array is in a degenerate state.
template <typename T, typename U, typename... V>
auto degenerate(const T& val1, const U& val2, const V&... vals) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the given values in a degenerate state.
template <typename S>
auto degenerate(const oriented_bounding_box<S>& bb) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if an oriented bounding box is degenerate (i.e. any of its extents are less than or equal to zero).
template <typename S>
auto degenerate(const triangle<S>& tri) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a triangle is degenerate (i.e. two or more of its points are coincident).
template <typename S, size_t R, size_t C>
auto determinant(const matrix<S, R, C>& m) -> determinant_type constexpr noexcept
Calculates the determinant of a matrix.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto direction(const vector<S, D>& from, const vector<S, D>& to, delta_scalar_type& distance_out) -> delta_type constexpr noexcept
Returns the normalized direction vector from one position to another.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto direction(const vector<S, D>& from, const vector<S, D>& to) -> delta_type constexpr noexcept
Returns the normalized direction vector from one position to another.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto distance(const vector<S, D>& p1, const vector<S, D>& p2) -> delta_scalar_type constexpr noexcept
Returns the distance between two points.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto distance_squared(const vector<S, D>& p1, const vector<S, D>& p2) -> delta_scalar_type constexpr noexcept
Returns the squared distance between two points.
template <typename S>
auto dot(const quaternion<S>& q1, const quaternion<S>& q2) -> S constexpr noexcept
Returns the dot product of two quaternions.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto dot(const vector<S, D>& v1, const vector<S, D>& v2) -> product_scalar_type constexpr noexcept
Returns the dot product of two vectors.
template <typename T>
auto end_iterator(T&& iterable) -> auto constexpr noexcept
Returns the 'end' iterator of an iterable object.
template <typename T>
auto evenly_distribute(T total, T bucket_count, T bucket_index) -> T constexpr noexcept
Evenly divides an integer into buckets.
auto floor(half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Returns the floor of a half-precision float.
auto floor(float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Returns the floor of a float value.
auto floor(double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the floor of a double value.
auto floor(long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Returns the floor of a long double value.
auto floor(float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Returns the floor of a float128_t value.
auto floor(_Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Returns the floor of a _Float16 value.
template <typename T>
auto floor(T x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the floor of an integer.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto floor(const vector<S, D>& v) -> vector<S, D> constexpr noexcept
Returns a copy of a vector with all scalar components set to the highest integer not greater than their original values.
template <auto N1, auto N2, typename Func>
void for_product(Func&& func) constexpr noexcept(…)
Generates a series of sequential function calls by pack expansion.
template <auto N, typename Func>
void for_sequence(Func&& func) constexpr noexcept(…)
Generates a series of sequential function calls by pack expansion.
template <typename T, typename U, typename... V>
auto gcd(T val1, U val2, V... vals) -> std::common_type_t<T, U, V...> constexpr noexcept
Returns the lowest common multiple of two or more integers.
template <typename T>
auto has_single_bit(T val) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Checks if an integral value has only a single bit set.
template <typename T>
auto hex_to_dec(T codepoint) -> unsigned constexpr noexcept
Converts a code units containing a hex value [0-9, a-f, A-F] to it's equivalent unsigned integer [0x0, 0xF].
template <typename S>
auto infinity_or_nan(const axis_angle<S>& aa) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the scalars in an axis-angle are infinity or NaN.
template <typename S>
auto infinity_or_nan(const bounding_box<S>& bb) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the scalar components of a bounding box are infinity or NaN.
template <typename S>
auto infinity_or_nan(const bounding_sphere<S>& bs) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the scalar components of a bounding sphere are infinity or NaN.
template <typename S>
auto infinity_or_nan(const euler_angles<S>& rot) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the angles in a set of euler angles are infinity or NaN.
auto infinity_or_nan(half x) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a half-precision float is infinity or NaN.
template <typename S>
auto infinity_or_nan(const line_segment<S>& seg) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the points in a line segment are infinity or NaN.
auto infinity_or_nan(float x) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a float is infinity or NaN.
auto infinity_or_nan(double x) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a double is infinity or NaN.
auto infinity_or_nan(long double x) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a long double is infinity or NaN.
auto infinity_or_nan(float128_t x) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a float128_t is infinity or NaN.
auto infinity_or_nan(_Float16 x) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a _Float16 is infinity or NaN.
template <typename T>
auto infinity_or_nan(T x) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if an arithmetic value is infinity or NaN.
template <typename T, size_t N>
auto infinity_or_nan(const T(&vals)[N]) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any value in array is infinity or NaN.
template <typename T, typename U, typename... V>
auto infinity_or_nan(const T& val1, const U& val2, const V&... vals) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the given values is infinity or NaN.
template <typename S, size_t R, size_t C>
auto infinity_or_nan(const matrix<S, R, C>& m) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the scalar components of a matrix are infinity or NaN.
template <typename S>
auto infinity_or_nan(const oriented_bounding_box<S>& bb) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the scalar components of an oriented bounding box are infinity or NaN.
template <typename S>
auto infinity_or_nan(const plane<S>& p) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the scalar components of a plane are infinity or NaN.
template <typename S>
auto infinity_or_nan(const quaternion<S>& q) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the scalar components of a quaternion are infinity or NaN.
template <typename S>
auto infinity_or_nan(const ray<S>& r) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the scalars in a ray are infinity or NaN.
template <typename S>
auto infinity_or_nan(const triangle<S>& tri) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the points in a triangle are infinity or NaN.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto infinity_or_nan(const vector<S, D>& v) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if any of the scalar components of a vector are infinity or NaN.
template <typename T, typename U>
auto intersects(const T& obj1, const U& obj2) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Checks if two objects intersect.
template <typename S, size_t R, size_t C>
auto invert(const matrix<S, R, C>& m) -> inverse_type constexpr noexcept
Returns the inverse of a matrix.
auto is_ascii_code_point(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a valid code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_code_point(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a valid code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_code_point(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a valid code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_code_point(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a valid code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_code_point(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a valid code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_code_point(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a valid code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_hyphen(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a hyphen code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_hyphen(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a hyphen code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_hyphen(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a hyphen code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_hyphen(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a hyphen code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_hyphen(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a hyphen code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_hyphen(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a hyphen code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_letter(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a letter code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_letter(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a letter code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_letter(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a letter code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_letter(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a letter code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_letter(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a letter code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_letter(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a letter code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_lowercase(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a lowercase code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_lowercase(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a lowercase code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_lowercase(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a lowercase code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_lowercase(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a lowercase code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_lowercase(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a lowercase code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_lowercase(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a lowercase code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_number(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a number code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_number(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a number code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_number(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a number code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_number(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a number code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_number(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a number code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_number(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a number code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_uppercase(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is an uppercase code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_uppercase(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is an uppercase code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_uppercase(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is an uppercase code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_uppercase(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is an uppercase code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_uppercase(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is an uppercase code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_uppercase(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is an uppercase code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_whitespace(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a whitespace code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_whitespace(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a whitespace code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_whitespace(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a whitespace code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_whitespace(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a whitespace code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_whitespace(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a whitespace code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_ascii_whitespace(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a whitespace code point from the ASCII range.
auto is_code_point(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a valid code point.
auto is_code_point(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a valid code point.
auto is_code_point(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a valid code point.
auto is_code_point(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a valid code point.
auto is_code_point(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a valid code point.
auto is_code_point(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a valid code point.
auto is_code_point_boundary(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a code point boundary.
auto is_code_point_boundary(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a code point boundary.
auto is_code_point_boundary(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a code point boundary.
auto is_code_point_boundary(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a code point boundary.
auto is_code_point_boundary(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a code point boundary.
auto is_code_point_boundary(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a code point boundary.
auto is_combining_mark(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a combining mark code point.
auto is_combining_mark(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a combining mark code point.
auto is_combining_mark(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a combining mark code point.
auto is_combining_mark(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a combining mark code point.
auto is_combining_mark(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a combining mark code point.
auto is_combining_mark(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a combining mark code point.
auto is_constant_evaluated() -> bool constexpr noexcept
Equivalent to C++20's std::is_constant_evaluated.
auto is_decimal_digit(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a decimal digit code point.
auto is_decimal_digit(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a decimal digit code point.
auto is_decimal_digit(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a decimal digit code point.
auto is_decimal_digit(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a decimal digit code point.
auto is_decimal_digit(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a decimal digit code point.
auto is_decimal_digit(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a decimal digit code point.
auto is_hexadecimal_digit(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a hexadecimal digit code point.
auto is_hexadecimal_digit(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a hexadecimal digit code point.
auto is_hexadecimal_digit(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a hexadecimal digit code point.
auto is_hexadecimal_digit(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a hexadecimal digit code point.
auto is_hexadecimal_digit(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a hexadecimal digit code point.
auto is_hexadecimal_digit(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a hexadecimal digit code point.
auto is_hyphen(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a hyphen code point.
auto is_hyphen(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a hyphen code point.
auto is_hyphen(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a hyphen code point.
auto is_hyphen(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a hyphen code point.
auto is_hyphen(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a hyphen code point.
auto is_hyphen(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a hyphen code point.
auto is_letter(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a letter code point.
auto is_letter(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a letter code point.
auto is_letter(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a letter code point.
auto is_letter(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a letter code point.
auto is_letter(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a letter code point.
auto is_letter(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a letter code point.
auto is_lowercase(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a lowercase code point.
auto is_lowercase(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a lowercase code point.
auto is_lowercase(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a lowercase code point.
auto is_lowercase(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a lowercase code point.
auto is_lowercase(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a lowercase code point.
auto is_lowercase(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a lowercase code point.
auto is_non_ascii_code_point(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a valid code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_code_point(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a valid code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_code_point(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a valid code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_code_point(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a valid code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_code_point(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a valid code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_code_point(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a valid code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_hyphen(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a hyphen code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_hyphen(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a hyphen code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_hyphen(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a hyphen code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_hyphen(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a hyphen code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_hyphen(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a hyphen code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_hyphen(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a hyphen code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_letter(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a letter code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_letter(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a letter code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_letter(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a letter code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_letter(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a letter code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_letter(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a letter code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_letter(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a letter code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_lowercase(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a lowercase code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_lowercase(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a lowercase code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_lowercase(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a lowercase code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_lowercase(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a lowercase code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_lowercase(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a lowercase code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_lowercase(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a lowercase code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_number(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a number code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_number(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a number code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_number(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a number code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_number(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a number code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_number(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a number code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_number(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a number code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_uppercase(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is an uppercase code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_uppercase(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is an uppercase code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_uppercase(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is an uppercase code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_uppercase(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is an uppercase code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_uppercase(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is an uppercase code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_uppercase(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is an uppercase code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_whitespace(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a whitespace code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_whitespace(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a whitespace code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_whitespace(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a whitespace code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_whitespace(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a whitespace code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_whitespace(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a whitespace code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_non_ascii_whitespace(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a whitespace code point from outside the ASCII range.
auto is_not_code_point(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not a valid code point.
auto is_not_code_point(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is not a valid code point.
auto is_not_code_point(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is not a valid code point.
auto is_not_code_point(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is not a valid code point.
auto is_not_code_point(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not a valid code point.
auto is_not_code_point(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is not a valid code point.
auto is_not_hyphen(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not a hyphen code point.
auto is_not_hyphen(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is not a hyphen code point.
auto is_not_hyphen(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is not a hyphen code point.
auto is_not_hyphen(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is not a hyphen code point.
auto is_not_hyphen(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not a hyphen code point.
auto is_not_hyphen(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is not a hyphen code point.
auto is_not_letter(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not a letter code point.
auto is_not_letter(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is not a letter code point.
auto is_not_letter(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is not a letter code point.
auto is_not_letter(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is not a letter code point.
auto is_not_letter(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not a letter code point.
auto is_not_letter(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is not a letter code point.
auto is_not_lowercase(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not a lowercase code point.
auto is_not_lowercase(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is not a lowercase code point.
auto is_not_lowercase(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is not a lowercase code point.
auto is_not_lowercase(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is not a lowercase code point.
auto is_not_lowercase(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not a lowercase code point.
auto is_not_lowercase(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is not a lowercase code point.
auto is_not_number(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not a number code point.
auto is_not_number(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is not a number code point.
auto is_not_number(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is not a number code point.
auto is_not_number(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is not a number code point.
auto is_not_number(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not a number code point.
auto is_not_number(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is not a number code point.
auto is_not_uppercase(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not an uppercase code point.
auto is_not_uppercase(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is not an uppercase code point.
auto is_not_uppercase(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is not an uppercase code point.
auto is_not_uppercase(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is not an uppercase code point.
auto is_not_uppercase(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not an uppercase code point.
auto is_not_uppercase(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is not an uppercase code point.
auto is_not_whitespace(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not a whitespace code point.
auto is_not_whitespace(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is not a whitespace code point.
auto is_not_whitespace(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is not a whitespace code point.
auto is_not_whitespace(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is not a whitespace code point.
auto is_not_whitespace(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is not a whitespace code point.
auto is_not_whitespace(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is not a whitespace code point.
auto is_number(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a number code point.
auto is_number(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a number code point.
auto is_number(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a number code point.
auto is_number(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a number code point.
auto is_number(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a number code point.
auto is_number(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a number code point.
auto is_octal_digit(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is an octal digit code point.
auto is_octal_digit(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is an octal digit code point.
auto is_octal_digit(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is an octal digit code point.
auto is_octal_digit(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is an octal digit code point.
auto is_octal_digit(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is an octal digit code point.
auto is_octal_digit(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is an octal digit code point.
auto is_uppercase(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is an uppercase code point.
auto is_uppercase(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is an uppercase code point.
auto is_uppercase(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is an uppercase code point.
auto is_uppercase(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is an uppercase code point.
auto is_uppercase(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is an uppercase code point.
auto is_uppercase(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is an uppercase code point.
auto is_whitespace(char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a whitespace code point.
auto is_whitespace(char16_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-16 code unit is a whitespace code point.
auto is_whitespace(char32_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-32 code unit is a whitespace code point.
auto is_whitespace(char8_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a UTF-8 code unit is a whitespace code point.
auto is_whitespace(unsigned char c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a character is a whitespace code point.
auto is_whitespace(wchar_t c) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a wide character is a whitespace code point.
template <typename B, typename E>
auto iterator_distance(B begin, E end) -> auto constexpr noexcept
Returns the distance between two iterators.
template <class T>
auto launder(T* ptr) -> T* constexpr noexcept
Equivalent to C++17's std::launder.
template <typename T, typename U, typename... V>
auto lcm(T val1, U val2, V... vals) -> std::common_type_t<T, U, V...> constexpr noexcept
Returns the lowest common multiple of two or more integers.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto length(const vector<S, D>& v) -> delta_scalar_type constexpr noexcept
Returns the length (magnitude) of a vector.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto length_squared(const vector<S, D>& v) -> delta_scalar_type constexpr noexcept
Returns the squared length of a vector.
auto lerp(half start, half finish, half alpha) -> half constexpr noexcept
Returns a linear interpolation between two half-precision floats.
auto lerp(float start, float finish, float alpha) -> float constexpr noexcept
Returns a linear interpolation between two floats.
auto lerp(double start, double finish, double alpha) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns a linear interpolation between two doubles.
auto lerp(long double start, long double finish, long double alpha) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Returns a linear interpolation between two long doubles.
auto lerp(float128_t start, float128_t finish, float128_t alpha) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Returns a linear interpolation between two float128_ts.
auto lerp(_Float16 start, _Float16 finish, _Float16 alpha) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Returns a linear interpolation between two _Float16s.
template <typename T, typename U, typename V>
auto lerp(T start, U finish, V alpha) -> auto constexpr noexcept
Returns a linear interpolation between two arithmetic values.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto lerp(const vector<S, D>& start, const vector<S, D>& finish, delta_scalar_type alpha) -> vector<S, D> constexpr noexcept
Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors.
template <typename S, size_t D, typename... T>
auto max(const vector<S, D>& v1, const vector<S, D>& v2, const T&... vecs) -> vector<S, D> constexpr noexcept
Returns the componentwise maximum of two or more vectors.
template <typename T, typename... U>
auto max(const T& val1, const T& val2, const U&... vals) -> const T& constexpr noexcept
Returns the maximum of two or more values.
template <typename S, size_t D, typename... T>
auto min(const vector<S, D>& v1, const vector<S, D>& v2, const T&... vecs) -> vector<S, D> constexpr noexcept
Returns the componentwise minimum of two or more vectors.
template <typename T, typename... U>
auto min(const T& val1, const T& val2, const U&... vals) -> const T& constexpr noexcept
Returns the minimum of two or more values.
template <typename S>
auto normalize(const quaternion<S>& q) -> quaternion<S> constexpr noexcept
Normalizes a quaternion.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto normalize(const vector<S, D>& v, delta_scalar_type& length_out) -> vector<S, D> constexpr noexcept
Normalizes a vector.
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto normalize(const vector<S, D>& v) -> vector<S, D> constexpr noexcept
Normalizes a vector.
auto normalize_angle(half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle value of a half-precision float.
auto normalize_angle(float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle value of a float.
auto normalize_angle(double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle value of a double.
auto normalize_angle(long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle value of a long double.
auto normalize_angle(float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle value of a float128_t.
auto normalize_angle(_Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle value of a _Float16.
template <typename T>
auto normalize_angle(T x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle of an integer.
auto normalize_angle_signed(half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle value of a half-precision float.
auto normalize_angle_signed(float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle value of a float.
auto normalize_angle_signed(double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle value of a double.
auto normalize_angle_signed(long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle value of a long double.
auto normalize_angle_signed(float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle value of a float128_t.
auto normalize_angle_signed(_Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle value of a _Float16.
template <typename T>
auto normalize_angle_signed(T x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Normalizes the angle of an integer.
template <typename S>
auto normalized(const plane<S>& p) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a plane is normalized.
template <typename S>
auto normalized(const quaternion<S>& q) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a quaternion is normalized (i.e. has a length of 1).
template <typename S, size_t D>
auto normalized(const vector<S, D>& v) -> bool constexpr noexcept
Returns true if a vector is normalized (i.e. has a length of 1).
auto operator""_b(unsigned long long b) -> size_t consteval noexcept
Creates a size_t for a given number of bytes.
auto operator""_f16(long double val) -> half consteval noexcept
Literal for creating a half-precision float.
auto operator""_f16(unsigned long long val) -> half consteval noexcept
Literal for creating a half-precision float.
template <impl::fixed_string_udl_impl Str>
auto operator""_fs() consteval
Constructs a fixed_string directly using a string literal.
auto operator""_gb(unsigned long long gb) -> size_t consteval noexcept
Creates a size_t for a given number of gigabytes.
auto operator""_i128(unsigned long long n) -> int128_t consteval noexcept
Creates an int128_t.
auto operator""_i16(unsigned long long n) -> int16_t consteval noexcept
Creates an int16_t.
auto operator""_i32(unsigned long long n) -> int32_t consteval noexcept
Creates an int32_t.
auto operator""_i64(unsigned long long n) -> int64_t consteval noexcept
Creates an int64_t.
auto operator""_i8(unsigned long long n) -> int8_t consteval noexcept
Creates an int8_t.
auto operator""_kb(unsigned long long kb) -> size_t consteval noexcept
Creates a size_t for a given number of kilobytes.
auto operator""_mb(unsigned long long mb) -> size_t consteval noexcept
Creates a size_t for a given number of megabytes.
auto operator""_sz(unsigned long long n) -> size_t consteval noexcept
Creates a size_t.
auto operator""_u128(unsigned long long n) -> uint128_t consteval noexcept
Creates a uint128_t.
auto operator""_u16(unsigned long long n) -> uint16_t consteval noexcept
Creates a uint16_t.
auto operator""_u32(unsigned long long n) -> uint32_t consteval noexcept
Creates a uint32_t.
auto operator""_u64(unsigned long long n) -> uint64_t consteval noexcept
Creates a uint64_t.
auto operator""_u8(unsigned long long n) -> uint8_t consteval noexcept
Creates a uint8_t.
auto operator""_uuid(const char* str, size_t len) -> uuid consteval noexcept
Constructs a uuid from a string literal using uuid::parse.
template <typename S, size_t R, size_t C>
auto orthonormalize(const matrix<S, R, C>& m) -> matrix<S, R, C> constexpr noexcept
Returns a copy of a matrix with the 3x3 part orthonormalized.
template <typename To, typename From>
auto pointer_cast(From from) -> To constexpr noexcept
Casts between pointers, choosing the most appropriate conversion path.
template <typename T>
auto popcount(T val) -> int constexpr noexcept
Counts the number of set bits (the 'population count') of an unsigned integer.
void set_thread_name(string_param name) noexcept
Sets the name of the current thread for debuggers.
auto sin(half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Returns the sine of a half-precision float.
auto sin(float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Returns the sine of a float.
auto sin(double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the sine of a double.
auto sin(long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Returns the sine of a long double.
auto sin(float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Returns the sine of a float128_t.
auto sin(_Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Returns the sine of a _Float16.
template <typename T>
auto sin(T x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the sine of an integer.
template <typename S>
auto slerp(const quaternion<S>& start, const quaternion<S>& finish, S alpha) -> quaternion<S> constexpr noexcept
Performs a spherical-linear interpolation between two quaternions.
auto sqrt(half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of a half-precision float.
auto sqrt(float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of a float.
auto sqrt(double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of a double.
auto sqrt(long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of a long double.
auto sqrt(float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of a float128_t.
auto sqrt(_Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of a _Float16.
template <typename T>
auto sqrt(T x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the square-root of an integer.
template <typename F, typename S>
void swap(compressed_pair<F, S>& lhs, compressed_pair<F, S>& rhs) noexcept(…)
Swaps two compressed pairs.
template <size_t... ByteIndices, typename T>
auto swizzle(T val) -> auto constexpr noexcept
Select and re-pack arbitrary bytes from an integer.
auto tan(half x) -> half constexpr noexcept
Returns the tangent of a half-precision float.
auto tan(float x) -> float constexpr noexcept
Returns the tangent of a float.
auto tan(double x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the tangent of a double.
auto tan(long double x) -> long double constexpr noexcept
Returns the tangent of a long double.
auto tan(float128_t x) -> float128_t constexpr noexcept
Returns the tangent of a float128_t.
auto tan(_Float16 x) -> _Float16 constexpr noexcept
Returns the tangent of a _Float16.
template <typename T>
auto tan(T x) -> double constexpr noexcept
Returns the tangent of an integer.
template <typename T>
auto to_address(T* p) -> T* constexpr noexcept
Obtain the address represented by p without forming a reference to the pointee.
template <typename Ptr>
auto to_address(const Ptr& p) -> auto constexpr noexcept
Obtain the address represented by p without forming a reference to the pointee.
template <typename Char>
auto transcode(std::string_view str) noexcept -> std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< Char, char >, std::string_view, std::basic_string< Char >> -> auto
Transcodes a UTF-8 string into another UTF encoding.
template <typename Char>
auto transcode(std::wstring_view str) noexcept -> std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< Char, wchar_t >, std::wstring_view, std::basic_string< Char >> -> auto
Transcodes a UTF wide string into another UTF encoding.
template <typename Char>
auto transcode(std::u16string_view str) noexcept -> std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< Char, char16_t >, std::u16string_view, std::basic_string< Char >> -> auto
Transcodes a UTF-16 string into another UTF encoding.
template <typename Char>
auto transcode(std::u32string_view str) noexcept -> std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< Char, char32_t >, std::u32string_view, std::basic_string< Char >> -> auto
Transcodes a UTF-32 string into another UTF encoding.
template <typename Char>
auto transcode(std::u8string_view str) noexcept -> std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< Char, char8_t >, std::u8string_view, std::basic_string< Char >> -> auto
Transcodes a UTF-8 string into another UTF encoding.
template <typename S, size_t R, size_t C>
auto transpose(const matrix<S, R, C>& m) -> matrix<S, C, R> constexpr noexcept
Returns a transposed copy of a matrix.
auto trim(std::string_view str) -> std::string_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from both ends of a UTF-8 string.
auto trim(std::wstring_view str) -> std::wstring_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from both ends of a UTF wide string.
auto trim(std::u16string_view str) -> std::u16string_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from both ends of a UTF-16 string.
auto trim(std::u32string_view str) -> std::u32string_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from both ends of a UTF-32 string.
auto trim(std::u8string_view str) -> std::u8string_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from both ends of a UTF-8 string.
auto trim_left(std::string_view str) -> std::string_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from the left end of a UTF-8 string.
auto trim_left(std::wstring_view str) -> std::wstring_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from the left end of a UTF wide string.
auto trim_left(std::u16string_view str) -> std::u16string_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from the left end of a UTF-16 string.
auto trim_left(std::u32string_view str) -> std::u32string_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from the left end of a UTF-32 string.
auto trim_left(std::u8string_view str) -> std::u8string_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from the left end of a UTF-8 string.
auto trim_right(std::string_view str) -> std::string_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from the right end of a UTF-8 string.
auto trim_right(std::wstring_view str) -> std::wstring_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from the right end of a UTF wide string.
auto trim_right(std::u16string_view str) -> std::u16string_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from the right end of a UTF-16 string.
auto trim_right(std::u32string_view str) -> std::u32string_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from the right end of a UTF-32 string.
auto trim_right(std::u8string_view str) -> std::u8string_view constexpr noexcept
Trims whitespace from the right end of a UTF-8 string.
template <typename T>
auto unwrap(T val) -> std::underlying_type_t<T> constexpr noexcept
Unwraps an enum to it's raw integer equivalent.


template <typename T>
size_t alignment_of constexpr
The default alignment of a type.
template <typename... T>
bool all_arithmetic constexpr
Are all of the named types arithmetic or reference-to-arithmetic?
template <typename... T>
bool all_array constexpr
Are all of the named types arrays, or references to arrays?
template <typename... T>
bool all_bounded_array constexpr
Are all of the named types a bounded array (T[N]), or a reference to one?
template <typename... T>
bool all_const constexpr
Are all of the named types const or reference-to-const?
template <typename To, typename... From>
bool all_convertible_to constexpr
True if all of the types named by From are implicitly or explicitly convertible to To.
template <typename... T>
bool all_cv constexpr
Are all of the named types const and/or volatile-qualified, or references to const and/or volatile-qualified?
template <typename... T>
bool all_cvref constexpr
Are all of the named types const, volatile, or a reference?
template <typename... T>
bool all_enum constexpr
Are all of the named types enums or reference-to-enum?
template <typename To, typename... From>
bool all_explicitly_convertible_to constexpr
True if all of the types named by From are explicitly convertible to To.
template <typename To, typename... From>
bool all_explicitly_nothrow_convertible_to constexpr
True if all of the types named by From are explicitly nothrow-convertible to To.
template <typename... T>
bool all_floating_point constexpr
Are all of the named types floating-point or reference-to-floating-point?
template <typename... T>
bool all_function constexpr
Are all of the named types free/static functions, or references to them?
template <typename... T>
bool all_function_pointer constexpr
Are all of the named types free/static function pointers, or references to them?
template <typename To, typename... From>
bool all_implicitly_convertible_to constexpr
True if all of the types named by From are implicitly convertible to To.
template <typename To, typename... From>
bool all_implicitly_nothrow_convertible_to constexpr
True if all of the types named by From are implicitly nothrow-convertible to To.
template <typename... T>
bool all_integer constexpr
Are all of the named types arithmetic integers, or reference to them?
template <typename... T>
bool all_integral constexpr
Are all of the named types integral or reference-to-integral?
template <typename... T>
bool all_legacy_enum constexpr
Are all of the named types pre-C++11 unscoped enums, or references to one?
template <typename To, typename... From>
bool all_nothrow_convertible_to constexpr
True if all of the types named by From are implicitly or explicitly nothrow-convertible to To.
template <typename T, typename... U>
bool all_same constexpr
True if all the named types are exactly the same.
template <typename... T>
bool all_scoped_enum constexpr
Are all of the named types C++11 scoped enum classes, or references to one?
template <typename... T>
bool all_signed constexpr
Are all of the named types signed or reference-to-signed?
template <typename... T>
bool all_unbounded_array constexpr
Are all of the named types an unbounded array (T[]), or a reference to one?
template <typename... T>
bool all_unsigned constexpr
Are all of the named types unsigned or reference-to-unsigned?
template <typename... T>
bool all_volatile constexpr
Are all of the named types volatile or reference-to-volatile?
template <typename From, typename To>
bool allow_implicit_bit_cast constexpr
Allows the library to implicitly convert via bit casting in some situations.
template <typename... T>
bool always_false constexpr
Evaluates to false but with delayed, type-dependent evaluation.
template <typename... T>
bool any_arithmetic constexpr
Are any of the named types arithmetic or reference-to-arithmetic?
template <typename... T>
bool any_array constexpr
Are any of the named types arrays, or references to arrays?
template <typename... T>
bool any_bounded_array constexpr
Are any of the named types a bounded array (T[N]), or a reference to one?
template <typename... T>
bool any_const constexpr
Are any of the named types const or reference-to-const?
template <typename... T>
bool any_cv constexpr
Are any of the named types const and/or volatile-qualified, or references to const and/or volatile-qualified?
template <typename... T>
bool any_cvref constexpr
Are any of the named types const, volatile, or a reference?
template <typename... T>
bool any_enum constexpr
Are any of the named types enums or reference-to-enum?
template <typename... T>
bool any_floating_point constexpr
Are any of the named types floating-point or reference-to-floating-point?
template <typename... T>
bool any_function constexpr
Are any of the named types free/static functions, or references to them?
template <typename... T>
bool any_function_pointer constexpr
Are any of the named types free/static function pointers, or references to them?
template <typename... T>
bool any_integer constexpr
Are any of the named types arithmetic integers, or reference to them?
template <typename... T>
bool any_integral constexpr
Are any of the named types integral or reference-to-integral?
template <typename... T>
bool any_legacy_enum constexpr
Are any of the named types pre-C++11 unscoped enums, or references to one?
template <typename T, typename... U>
bool any_same constexpr
True if T is exactly the same as one or more of the types named by U.
template <typename... T>
bool any_scoped_enum constexpr
Are any of the named types C++11 scoped enum classes, or references to one?
template <typename... T>
bool any_signed constexpr
Are any of the named types signed or reference-to-signed?
template <typename... T>
bool any_unbounded_array constexpr
Are any of the named types an unbounded array (T[]), or a reference to one?
template <typename... T>
bool any_unsigned constexpr
Are any of the named types unsigned or reference-to-unsigned?
template <typename... T>
bool any_volatile constexpr
Are any of the named types volatile or reference-to-volatile?
template <typename T>
size_t arity constexpr
Returns the arity (parameter count) of a function, function pointer, stateless lambda, or class/union type with an unambiguous operator() overload.
template <typename T>
bool decays_to_function_pointer_by_unary_plus constexpr
Evaluates to true if an instance of T decays to a free-function pointer by explicit unary plus.
template <typename T>
bool decays_to_pointer_by_unary_plus constexpr
Evaluates to true if an instance of T decays to a pointer by explicit unary plus.
template <typename... T>
epsilon_type<T...> default_epsilon constexpr
The default floating-point epsilon value used when comparing floating-point types named by T.
size_t dynamic_extent constexpr
Indicates the number of elements covered by a span should be dynamically-determined at runtime.
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_addition_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has an addition operator (T + U).
template <typename T>
bool has_arrow_operator constexpr
True if a type has an arrow operator (T->).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_bitwise_and_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a bitwise AND operator (T & U).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_bitwise_lsh_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a bitwise left-shift operator (T << U).
template <typename T>
bool has_bitwise_not_operator constexpr
True if a type has a unary bitwise NOT operator (~T).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_bitwise_or_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a bitwise OR operator (T | U).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_bitwise_rsh_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a bitwise right-shift operator (T >> U).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_bitwise_xor_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a bitwise XOR operator (T ^ U).
template <typename T>
bool has_data_member_function constexpr
True if a type has a member function data() returning a pointer.
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_division_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a division operator (T / U).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_equality_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has an equality operator (T == U).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_greater_than_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a greater-than operator (T > U).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_greater_than_or_equal_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a greater-than-or-equal operator (T >= U).
template <typename T>
bool has_indirection_operator constexpr
True if a type has an indirection operator (*T).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_inequality_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has an inequality operator (T != U).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_less_than_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a less-than operator (T < U).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_less_than_or_equal_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a less-than-or-equal operator (T <= U).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_logical_and_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a logical AND operator (T && U).
template <typename T>
bool has_logical_not_operator constexpr
True if a type has a unary logical NOT operator (!T).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_logical_or_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a logical OR operator (T || U).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_modulo_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has an modulo operator (T % U).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_multiplication_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a multiplication operator (T * U).
template <typename T>
bool has_post_decrement_operator constexpr
True if a type has a post-decrement operator (T--).
template <typename T>
bool has_post_increment_operator constexpr
True if a type has a post-increment operator (T++).
template <typename T>
bool has_pre_decrement_operator constexpr
True if a type has a pre-decrement operator (--T).
template <typename T>
bool has_pre_increment_operator constexpr
True if a type has a pre-increment operator (++T).
template <typename T>
bool has_size_member_function constexpr
True if a type has a member function size() returning an arithmetic integral type.
template <typename T, typename U = size_t>
bool has_subscript_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a subscript operator (T[U]).
template <typename T, typename U = T>
bool has_subtraction_operator constexpr
True if a pair of types has a subtraction operator (T - U).
template <typename T>
bool has_unambiguous_function_call_operator constexpr
True if a type has single non-template operator() overload.
template <typename T>
bool has_unary_minus_operator constexpr
True if a type has a unary minus operator (-T).
template <typename T>
bool has_unary_plus_operator constexpr
True if a type has a unary plus operator (+T).
template <typename T, typename U, typename... V>
size_t index_of_type constexpr
The index of the first appearance of the type T in the type list [U, V...].
template <typename Child, typename Parent>
bool inherits_from constexpr
Does Child inherit from Parent?
template <typename Child, typename Parent, typename... Parents>
bool inherits_from_all constexpr
Does Child inherit from all of the types named by Parent?
template <typename Child, typename Parent, typename... Parents>
bool inherits_from_any constexpr
Does Child inherit from any of the types named by Parent?
template <typename T>
bool is_arithmetic constexpr
Is a type arithmetic or reference-to-arithmetic?
template <typename T>
bool is_array constexpr
Is a type an array, or reference to one?
template <typename T>
bool is_bounded_array constexpr
Is a type a bounded array (T[N]), or reference to one?
template <typename T>
bool is_character constexpr
Is a type a built-in text character (code unit) type, or reference to one?
template <typename T>
bool is_code_unit constexpr
Is a type a built-in text code unit (character) type, or reference to one?
template <typename T>
bool is_const constexpr
Is a type const or reference-to-const?
template <typename From, typename To>
bool is_convertible constexpr
True if From is implicitly or explicitly convertible to To.
template <typename From, typename... To>
bool is_convertible_to_all constexpr
True if From is implicitly or explicitly convertible to all of the types named by To.
template <typename From, typename... To>
bool is_convertible_to_any constexpr
True if From is implicitly or explicitly convertible to any of the types named by To.
template <typename T>
bool is_cv constexpr
Is a type const and/or volatile-qualified?
template <typename T>
bool is_cvref constexpr
Is a type const, volatile, or a reference?
template <template<typename...> typename Trait, typename... Args>
auto is_detected constexpr
Detects if a type supports an interface.
template <typename T>
bool is_enum constexpr
Is a type an enum or reference-to-enum?
template <typename From, typename To>
bool is_explicitly_convertible constexpr
True if From is explicitly convertible to To.
template <typename From, typename... To>
bool is_explicitly_convertible_to_all constexpr
True if From is explicitly convertible to all of the types named by To.
template <typename From, typename... To>
bool is_explicitly_convertible_to_any constexpr
True if From is explicitly convertible to any of the types named by To.
template <typename From, typename To>
bool is_explicitly_nothrow_convertible constexpr
True if From is explicitly nothrow-convertible to To.
template <typename From, typename... To>
bool is_explicitly_nothrow_convertible_to_all constexpr
True if From is explicitly nothrow-convertible to all of the types named by To.
template <typename From, typename... To>
bool is_explicitly_nothrow_convertible_to_any constexpr
True if From is explicitly nothrow-convertible to any of the types named by To.
template <typename T>
bool is_extended_arithmetic constexpr
Is a type a nonstandard 'extended' arithmetic type, or a reference to one?
template <typename T>
bool is_floating_point constexpr
Is a type a floating-point or reference-to-floating-point?
template <typename T>
bool is_function constexpr
Is a type a free/static function, or reference to one?
template <typename T>
bool is_function_pointer constexpr
Is a type a free/static function pointer, or reference to one?
template <typename From, typename To>
bool is_implicitly_convertible constexpr
True if From is implicitly convertible to To.
template <typename From, typename... To>
bool is_implicitly_convertible_to_all constexpr
True if From is implicitly convertible to all of the types named by To.
template <typename From, typename... To>
bool is_implicitly_convertible_to_any constexpr
True if From is implicitly convertible to any of the types named by To.
template <typename From, typename To>
bool is_implicitly_nothrow_convertible constexpr
True if From is implicitly nothrow-convertible to To.
template <typename From, typename... To>
bool is_implicitly_nothrow_convertible_to_all constexpr
True if From is implicitly nothrow-convertible to all of the types named by To.
template <typename From, typename... To>
bool is_implicitly_nothrow_convertible_to_any constexpr
True if From is implicitly nothrow-convertible to any of the types named by To.
template <typename T>
bool is_integer constexpr
Is a type an arithmetic integer type, or reference to one?
template <typename T>
bool is_integral constexpr
Is a type an integral type or a reference to an integral type?
template <typename T>
bool is_iterable constexpr
Returns true if a type is a bounded array or a class type having begin() and end() iterators (as members, in the std namespace, or found via ADL).
template <typename T>
bool is_legacy_enum constexpr
Is a type a pre-C++11 unscoped enum, or reference to one?
template <typename T>
bool is_mutex_like constexpr
True if a type has a lock interface compatible with std::mutex.
template <typename From, typename To>
bool is_nothrow_convertible constexpr
True if From is implicitly or explicitly nothrow-convertible to To.
template <typename From, typename... To>
bool is_nothrow_convertible_to_all constexpr
True if From is implicitly or explicitly nothrow-convertible to all of the types named by To.
template <typename From, typename... To>
bool is_nothrow_convertible_to_any constexpr
True if From is implicitly or explicitly nothrow-convertible to any of the types named by To.
template <typename T>
bool is_scoped_enum constexpr
Is a type a C++11 scoped enum class, or reference to one?
template <typename T>
bool is_shared_mutex_like constexpr
True if a type has a lock interface compatible with std::shared_mutex.
template <typename T>
bool is_signed constexpr
Is a type signed or reference-to-signed?
template <typename T>
bool is_standard_arithmetic constexpr
Is a type one of the standard c++ arithmetic types, or a reference to one?
template <typename T, typename CompatibleWithFunc = void>
bool is_stateless_lambda constexpr
Evaluates to true if T is a stateless lambda type, or a reference to one.
template <typename T>
bool is_trivially_manifestable constexpr
Evaluates to true if T is an empty class/union with trivial default constructor and destructor, or a reference to one.
template <typename T>
bool is_tuple_like constexpr
True if the type implements std::tuple_size and std::tuple_element.
template <typename T>
bool is_unbounded_array constexpr
Is a type an unbounded array (T[]), or reference to one?
template <typename T>
bool is_unsigned constexpr
Is a type unsigned or reference-to-unsigned?
template <typename T>
bool is_volatile constexpr
Is a type volatile or reference-to-volatile?
template <typename T>
size_t pointer_rank constexpr
The rank of a pointer.
template <typename... T>
size_t total_size constexpr
The sum of sizeof() for all of the types named by T.
template <typename T>
size_t tuple_size constexpr
Equivalent to std::tuple_size_v, but safe to use in SFINAE contexts.
template <typename T>
auto type_name constexpr
A muu::fixed_string containing the name of a type.
template <typename... T>
auto type_name_list constexpr
A muu::fixed_string containing a comma-delimited list of type names.

Enum documentation

enum class muu::uuid_variant: uint8_t
#include <muu/uuid.h>

A UUID variant as per RFC 4122.


No variant specified.


The 'standard' variant outlaid in RFC 4122.


Reserved for backward compatibility.


Reserved for backward compatibility.


Reserved for backward compatibility.

enum class muu::uuid_version: uint8_t
#include <muu/uuid.h>

A UUID version as per RFC 4122.


No version specified.


Version 1: Time-based UUID.


Version 2: DCE Security version, with embedded POSIX UIDs.


Version 3: Name-based UUID generated using MD5 hashing.


Version 4: Randomly-generated UUID.


Version 5: Name-based UUID generated using SHA-1 hashing.


Unknown or non-standard version.

Function documentation

template <typename S, size_t D>
delta_scalar_type muu::angle(const vector<S, D>& v1, const vector<S, D>& v2) constexpr noexcept

Calculates the angle between two vectors.

v1 A vector.
v2 A vector.
Returns The angle between v1 and v2 (in radians).

template <typename S, size_t D>
vector<S, D> muu::clamp(const vector<S, D>& v, const vector<S, D>& low, const vector<S, D>& high) constexpr noexcept

Componentwise clamps a vector between two others.

template <typename S, size_t D>
delta_scalar_type muu::consteval_distance(const vector<S, D>& p1, const vector<S, D>& p2) consteval noexcept

Returns the distance between two points.

template <typename S, size_t D>
delta_scalar_type muu::consteval_length(const vector<S, D>& v) consteval noexcept

Returns the length (magnitude) of a vector.

template <typename S, size_t D>
vector<S, D> muu::consteval_normalize(const vector<S, D>& v) consteval noexcept

Normalizes a vector.

v The vector to normalize.
Returns A normalized copy of the input vector.

template <typename S>
product_type muu::cross(const vector<S, 3>& lhs, const vector<S, 3>& rhs) constexpr noexcept

Returns the cross product of two three-dimensional vectors.

template <typename S, size_t R, size_t C>
determinant_type muu::determinant(const matrix<S, R, C>& m) constexpr noexcept

Calculates the determinant of a matrix.

template <typename S, size_t D>
delta_type muu::direction(const vector<S, D>& from, const vector<S, D>& to, delta_scalar_type& distance_out) constexpr noexcept

Returns the normalized direction vector from one position to another.

from The start position.
to The end position.
distance_out An output param to receive the distance between the two points.
Returns A normalized direction vector pointing from the start position to the end position.

template <typename S, size_t D>
delta_type muu::direction(const vector<S, D>& from, const vector<S, D>& to) constexpr noexcept

Returns the normalized direction vector from one position to another.

from The start position.
to The end position.
Returns A normalized direction vector pointing from the start position to the end position.

template <typename S, size_t D>
delta_scalar_type muu::distance(const vector<S, D>& p1, const vector<S, D>& p2) constexpr noexcept

Returns the distance between two points.

template <typename S, size_t D>
delta_scalar_type muu::distance_squared(const vector<S, D>& p1, const vector<S, D>& p2) constexpr noexcept

Returns the squared distance between two points.

template <typename S>
S muu::dot(const quaternion<S>& q1, const quaternion<S>& q2) constexpr noexcept

Returns the dot product of two quaternions.

template <typename S, size_t D>
product_scalar_type muu::dot(const vector<S, D>& v1, const vector<S, D>& v2) constexpr noexcept

Returns the dot product of two vectors.

template <typename S, size_t R, size_t C>
inverse_type muu::invert(const matrix<S, R, C>& m) constexpr noexcept

Returns the inverse of a matrix.

template <typename S, size_t D>
delta_scalar_type muu::length(const vector<S, D>& v) constexpr noexcept

Returns the length (magnitude) of a vector.

template <typename S, size_t D>
delta_scalar_type muu::length_squared(const vector<S, D>& v) constexpr noexcept

Returns the squared length of a vector.

template <typename S, size_t D, typename... T>
vector<S, D> muu::max(const vector<S, D>& v1, const vector<S, D>& v2, const T&... vecs) constexpr noexcept

Returns the componentwise maximum of two or more vectors.

template <typename S, size_t D, typename... T>
vector<S, D> muu::min(const vector<S, D>& v1, const vector<S, D>& v2, const T&... vecs) constexpr noexcept

Returns the componentwise minimum of two or more vectors.

template <typename S>
quaternion<S> muu::normalize(const quaternion<S>& q) constexpr noexcept

Normalizes a quaternion.

q The quaternion to normalize.
Returns A normalized copy of the input quaternion.

template <typename S, size_t D>
vector<S, D> muu::normalize(const vector<S, D>& v, delta_scalar_type& length_out) constexpr noexcept

Normalizes a vector.

v The vector to normalize.
length_out An output param to receive the length of the vector pre-normalization.
Returns A normalized copy of the input vector.

template <typename S, size_t D>
vector<S, D> muu::normalize(const vector<S, D>& v) constexpr noexcept

Normalizes a vector.

v The vector to normalize.
Returns A normalized copy of the input vector.

#include <muu/plane.h>
template <typename S>
bool muu::normalized(const plane<S>& p) constexpr noexcept

Returns true if a plane is normalized.

template <typename S>
bool muu::normalized(const quaternion<S>& q) constexpr noexcept

Returns true if a quaternion is normalized (i.e. has a length of 1).

template <typename S, size_t D>
bool muu::normalized(const vector<S, D>& v) constexpr noexcept

Returns true if a vector is normalized (i.e. has a length of 1).

template <typename S, size_t R, size_t C>
matrix<S, R, C> muu::orthonormalize(const matrix<S, R, C>& m) constexpr noexcept

Returns a copy of a matrix with the 3x3 part orthonormalized.

template <typename S>
quaternion<S> muu::slerp(const quaternion<S>& start, const quaternion<S>& finish, S alpha) constexpr noexcept

Performs a spherical-linear interpolation between two quaternions.

template <typename S, size_t R, size_t C>
matrix<S, C, R> muu::transpose(const matrix<S, R, C>& m) constexpr noexcept

Returns a transposed copy of a matrix.