muu/uuid.h file

Contains the definition of muu::uuid.


namespace muu
The root namespace for all muu functions and types.
namespace muu::literals inline
Literal operators.


struct muu::uuid
A 128-bit universally-unique identifier (UUID).
template <>
struct muu::constants<uuid>
UUID constants.
template <>
struct std::hash<muu::uuid>
Specialization of std::hash for muu::uuid.


enum class uuid_variant: uint8_t { none, standard, reserved_ncs, reserved_microsoft, reserved_future }
A UUID variant as per RFC 4122.
enum class uuid_version: uint8_t { none, time, dce, name_md5, random, name_sha1, unknown = 0b1111 }
A UUID version as per RFC 4122.


auto operator""_uuid(const char* str, size_t len) -> uuid consteval noexcept
Constructs a uuid from a string literal using uuid::parse.