toml namespace

The root namespace for all toml++ functions and types.


namespace literals inline
Convenience literal operators for working with toml++.


class array
A TOML array.
struct date
A local date.
struct date_time
A date-time.
template <typename T>
struct inserter
Helper class for suppressing move-construction in single-argument array constructors.
class json_formatter
A wrapper for printing TOML objects out to a stream as formatted JSON.
class key
A key parsed from a TOML document.
class node
A TOML node.
template <typename ViewedType>
class node_view
A view of a node.
class parse_error
An error generated when parsing fails.
class parse_result
The result of a parsing operation.
class path
A TOML path.
class path_component
Represents a single component of a complete 'TOML-path': either a key or an array index.
struct source_position
A source document line-and-column pair.
struct source_region
A source document region.
class table
A TOML table.
struct time
A local time-of-day.
struct time_offset
A timezone offset.
class toml_formatter
A wrapper for printing TOML objects out to a stream as formatted TOML.
template <typename ValueType>
class value
A TOML value.
class yaml_formatter
A wrapper for printing TOML objects out to a stream as formatted YAML.


enum class format_flags: uint64_t { none, quote_dates_and_times = (1ull << 0), quote_infinities_and_nans = (1ull << 1), allow_literal_strings = (1ull << 2), allow_multi_line_strings = (1ull << 3), allow_real_tabs_in_strings = (1ull << 4), allow_unicode_strings = (1ull << 5), allow_binary_integers = (1ull << 6), allow_octal_integers = (1ull << 7), allow_hexadecimal_integers = (1ull << 8), indent_sub_tables = (1ull << 9), indent_array_elements = (1ull << 10), indentation = indent_sub_tables | indent_array_elements, relaxed_float_precision = (1ull << 11), terse_key_value_pairs = (1ull << 12) }
Format flags for modifying how TOML data is printed to streams.
enum class node_type: uint8_t { none, table, array, string, integer, floating_point, boolean, date, time, date_time }
TOML node type identifiers.
enum class path_component_type: uint8_t { key = 0x1, array_index = 0x2 }
Indicates type of path component, either a key, an index in an array, or invalid.
enum class value_flags: uint16_t { none, format_as_binary = 1, format_as_octal = 2, format_as_hexadecimal = 3 }
Metadata associated with TOML values.


using array_iterator = /* ... */
A RandomAccessIterator for iterating over elements in a toml::array.
using const_array_iterator = /* ... */
A RandomAccessIterator for iterating over const elements in a toml::array.
using const_table_iterator = /* ... */
A BidirectionalIterator for iterating over const key-value pairs in a toml::table.
using default_formatter = toml_formatter
The 'default' formatter used by TOML objects when they are printed to a stream.
template <typename T>
using inserted_type_of = /* ... */
Metafunction for determining which node type would be constructed if an object of this type was inserted into a toml::table or toml::array.
template <typename T>
using optional = std::optional<T>
The 'optional' type used throughout the library.
using source_index = uint32_t
The integer type used to tally line numbers and columns.
using source_path_ptr = std::shared_ptr<const std::string>
A pointer to a shared string resource containing a source path.
using table_iterator = /* ... */
A BidirectionalIterator for iterating over key-value pairs in a toml::table.


auto at_path(node& root, std::string_view path) →  node_view<node> noexcept
Returns a view of the node matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
auto at_path(const node& root, std::string_view path) →  node_view<const node> noexcept
Returns a const view of the node matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
auto at_path(node& root, std::wstring_view path) →  node_view<node>
Returns a view of the node matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
auto at_path(const node& root, std::wstring_view path) →  node_view<const node>
Returns a const view of the node matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
auto at_path(node& root, const toml::path& path) →  node_view<node> noexcept
Returns a view of the node matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
auto at_path(const node& root, const toml::path& path) →  node_view<const node> noexcept
Returns a const view of the node matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
auto operator""_toml(const char* str, size_t len) →  parse_result
Parses TOML data from a string literal.
auto operator""_toml(const char8_t* str, size_t len) →  parse_result
Parses TOML data from a UTF-8 string literal.
auto operator""_tpath(const char* str, size_t len) →  path
Parses a TOML path from a string literal.
template <typename Char>
auto operator<<(std::basic_ostream<Char>& lhs, node_type rhs) →  std::basic_ostream<Char>&
Pretty-prints the value of a node_type to a stream.
auto parse(std::string_view doc, std::string_view source_path = {}) →  parse_result
Parses a TOML document from a string view.
auto parse(std::string_view doc, std::string&& source_path) →  parse_result
Parses a TOML document from a string view.
auto parse(std::u8string_view doc, std::string_view source_path = {}) →  parse_result
Parses a TOML document from a char8_t string view.
auto parse(std::u8string_view doc, std::string&& source_path) →  parse_result
Parses a TOML document from a char8_t string view.
auto parse(std::string_view doc, std::wstring_view source_path) →  parse_result
Parses a TOML document from a string view.
auto parse(std::istream& doc, std::wstring_view source_path) →  parse_result
Parses a TOML document from a stream.
auto parse(std::u8string_view doc, std::wstring_view source_path) →  parse_result
Parses a TOML document from a char8_t string view.
auto parse(std::istream& doc, std::string_view source_path = {}) →  parse_result
Parses a TOML document from a stream.
auto parse(std::istream& doc, std::string&& source_path) →  parse_result
Parses a TOML document from a stream.
auto parse_file(std::string_view file_path) →  parse_result
Parses a TOML document from a file.
auto parse_file(std::u8string_view file_path) →  parse_result
Parses a TOML document from a file.
auto parse_file(std::wstring_view file_path) →  parse_result
Parses a TOML document from a file.


template <typename T>
bool is_array constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, a toml::array.
template <typename T>
bool is_boolean constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, a bool or toml::value<bool>.
template <typename T>
bool is_chronological constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type satisfies any of toml::is_date, toml::is_time or toml::is_date_time.
template <typename T>
bool is_container constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type satisfies either toml::is_table or toml::is_array.
template <typename T>
bool is_date constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, a toml::date or toml::value<date>.
template <typename T>
bool is_date_time constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, a toml::date_time or toml::value<date_time>.
template <typename T>
bool is_floating_point constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, a double or toml::value<double>.
template <typename T>
bool is_integer constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, a int64_t or toml::value<int64_t>.
template <typename T>
bool is_key constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, a toml::key.
template <typename T>
bool is_key_or_convertible constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, a toml::key, or is implicitly or explicitly convertible to one.
template <typename T>
bool is_node constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, a toml::node (or one of its subclasses).
template <typename T>
bool is_node_view constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, a toml::node_view.
template <typename T>
bool is_number constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type satisfies either toml::is_integer or toml::is_floating_point.
template <typename T>
bool is_string constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, a std::string or toml::value<std::string>.
template <typename T>
bool is_table constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, a toml::table.
template <typename T>
bool is_time constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, a toml::time or toml::value<time>.
template <typename T>
bool is_value constexpr
Metafunction for determining if a type is, or is a reference to, any of the toml value types. Excludes tables and arrays.
value_flags preserve_source_value_flags constexpr
Special toml::value_flags constant used for array + table insert functions to specify that any value nodes being copied should not have their flags property overridden by the inserting function's flags argument.

Enum documentation

enum class toml::format_flags: uint64_t

Format flags for modifying how TOML data is printed to streams.




Dates and times will be emitted as quoted strings.


Infinities and NaNs will be emitted as quoted strings.


Strings will be emitted as single-quoted literal strings where possible.


Strings containing newlines will be emitted as triple-quoted 'multi-line' strings where possible.


Allow real tab characters in string literals (as opposed to the escaped form \t).


Allow non-ASCII characters in strings (as opposed to their escaped form, e.g. \u00DA).


Allow integers with value_flags::format_as_binary to be emitted as binary.


Allow integers with value_flags::format_as_octal to be emitted as octal.


Allow integers with value_flags::format_as_hexadecimal to be emitted as hexadecimal.


Apply indentation to tables nested within other tables/arrays.


Apply indentation to array elements when the array is forced to wrap over multiple lines.


Combination mask of all indentation-enabling flags.


Emit floating-point values with relaxed (human-friendly) precision.


Avoids the use of whitespace around key-value pairs.

enum class toml::node_type: uint8_t

TOML node type identifiers.




The node is a toml::table.


The node is a toml::array.


The node is a toml::value<std::string>.


The node is a toml::value<int64_t>.


The node is a toml::value<double>.


The node is a toml::value<bool>.


The node is a toml::value<date>.


The node is a toml::value<time>.


The node is a toml::value<date_time>.

enum class toml::value_flags: uint16_t

Metadata associated with TOML values.




Format integer values as binary.


Format integer values as octal.


Format integer values as hexadecimal.

Typedef documentation

using toml::default_formatter = toml_formatter

The 'default' formatter used by TOML objects when they are printed to a stream.

This is an alias for toml::toml_formatter.

template <typename T>
using toml::inserted_type_of = /* ... */

Metafunction for determining which node type would be constructed if an object of this type was inserted into a toml::table or toml::array.

static_assert(std::is_same_v<toml::inserted_type_of<const char*>, toml::value<std::string>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<toml::inserted_type_of<int>,         toml::value<int64_t>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<toml::inserted_type_of<float>,       toml::value<double>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<toml::inserted_type_of<bool>,        toml::value<bool>);

template <typename T>
using toml::optional = std::optional<T>

The 'optional' type used throughout the library.

Function documentation

node_view<node> toml::at_path(node& root, std::string_view path) noexcept

Returns a view of the node matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".

root The root node from which the path will be traversed.
path The "TOML path" to traverse.
auto config = toml::parse(R"(

bar = [ 0, 1, 2, [ 3 ], { kek = 4 } ]


std::cout << toml::at_path(config, "[2]") << "\n";
std::cout << toml::at_path(config, "[3][0]") << "\n";
std::cout << toml::at_path(config, "[4].kek") << "\n";

node_view<const node> toml::at_path(const node& root, std::string_view path) noexcept

Returns a const view of the node matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".

node_view<node> toml::at_path(node& root, std::wstring_view path)

Returns a view of the node matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".

node_view<const node> toml::at_path(const node& root, std::wstring_view path)

Returns a const view of the node matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".

node_view<node> toml::at_path(node& root, const toml::path& path) noexcept

Returns a view of the node matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".

root The root node from which the path will be traversed.
path The "TOML path" to traverse.
auto config = toml::parse(R"(

bar = [ 0, 1, 2, [ 3 ], { kek = 4 } ]


toml::path path1("[2]");
toml::path path2("[4].kek");
std::cout << toml::at_path(config, path1) << "\n";
std::cout << toml::at_path(config, path1.parent_path()) << "\n";
std::cout << toml::at_path(config, path2) << "\n";
std::cout << toml::at_path(config, path2.parent_path()) << "\n";
[ 0, 1, 2, [ 3 ], { kek = 4 } ]
{ kek  = 4 }

node_view<const node> toml::at_path(const node& root, const toml::path& path) noexcept

Returns a const view of the node matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".

template <typename Char>
std::basic_ostream<Char>& toml::operator<<(std::basic_ostream<Char>& lhs, node_type rhs)

Pretty-prints the value of a node_type to a stream.

auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 2.0, "3", false };
for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size() i++)
    std::cout << "Element ["sv << i << "] is: "sv << arr[i].type() << "\n";
Element [0] is: integer
Element [1] is: floating-point
Element [2] is: string
Element [3] is: boolean

parse_result toml::parse(std::string_view doc, std::string_view source_path = {})

Parses a TOML document from a string view.

doc The TOML document to parse. Must be valid UTF-8.
source_path The path used to initialize each node's source().path. If you don't have a path (or you have no intention of using paths in diagnostics) then this parameter can safely be left blank.
Returns With exceptions: A toml::table. Without exceptions: A toml::parse_result.
auto tbl = toml::parse("a = 3"sv);
std::cout << tbl["a"] << "\n";

parse_result toml::parse(std::string_view doc, std::string&& source_path)

Parses a TOML document from a string view.

doc The TOML document to parse. Must be valid UTF-8.
source_path The path used to initialize each node's source().path. If you don't have a path (or you have no intention of using paths in diagnostics) then this parameter can safely be left blank.
Returns With exceptions: A toml::table. Without exceptions: A toml::parse_result.
auto tbl = toml::parse("a = 3"sv, "foo.toml");
std::cout << tbl["a"] << "\n";

parse_result toml::parse(std::u8string_view doc, std::string_view source_path = {})

Parses a TOML document from a char8_t string view.

doc The TOML document to parse. Must be valid UTF-8.
source_path The path used to initialize each node's source().path. If you don't have a path (or you have no intention of using paths in diagnostics) then this parameter can safely be left blank.
Returns With exceptions: A toml::table. Without exceptions: A toml::parse_result.
auto tbl = toml::parse(u8"a = 3"sv);
std::cout << tbl["a"] << "\n";

parse_result toml::parse(std::u8string_view doc, std::string&& source_path)

Parses a TOML document from a char8_t string view.

doc The TOML document to parse. Must be valid UTF-8.
source_path The path used to initialize each node's source().path. If you don't have a path (or you have no intention of using paths in diagnostics) then this parameter can safely be left blank.
Returns With exceptions: A toml::table. Without exceptions: A toml::parse_result.
auto tbl = toml::parse(u8"a = 3"sv, "foo.toml");
std::cout << tbl["a"] << "\n";

parse_result toml::parse(std::string_view doc, std::wstring_view source_path)

Parses a TOML document from a string view.

doc The TOML document to parse. Must be valid UTF-8.
source_path The path used to initialize each node's source().path. If you don't have a path (or you have no intention of using paths in diagnostics) then this parameter can safely be left blank.
Returns With exceptions: A toml::table. Without exceptions: A toml::parse_result.
auto tbl = toml::parse("a = 3"sv, L"foo.toml");
std::cout << tbl["a"] << "\n";

parse_result toml::parse(std::istream& doc, std::wstring_view source_path)

Parses a TOML document from a stream.

doc The TOML document to parse. Must be valid UTF-8.
source_path The path used to initialize each node's source().path. If you don't have a path (or you have no intention of using paths in diagnostics) then this parameter can safely be left blank.
Returns With exceptions: A toml::table. Without exceptions: A toml::parse_result.
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "a = 3"sv;

auto tbl = toml::parse(ss);
std::cout << tbl["a"] << "\n";

parse_result toml::parse(std::u8string_view doc, std::wstring_view source_path)

Parses a TOML document from a char8_t string view.

doc The TOML document to parse. Must be valid UTF-8.
source_path The path used to initialize each node's source().path. If you don't have a path (or you have no intention of using paths in diagnostics) then this parameter can safely be left blank.
Returns With exceptions: A toml::table. Without exceptions: A toml::parse_result.
auto tbl = toml::parse(u8"a = 3"sv, L"foo.toml");
std::cout << tbl["a"] << "\n";

parse_result toml::parse(std::istream& doc, std::string_view source_path = {})

Parses a TOML document from a stream.

doc The TOML document to parse. Must be valid UTF-8.
source_path The path used to initialize each node's source().path. If you don't have a path (or you have no intention of using paths in diagnostics) then this parameter can safely be left blank.
Returns With exceptions: A toml::table. Without exceptions: A toml::parse_result.
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "a = 3"sv;

auto tbl = toml::parse(ss);
std::cout << tbl["a"] << "\n";

parse_result toml::parse(std::istream& doc, std::string&& source_path)

Parses a TOML document from a stream.

doc The TOML document to parse. Must be valid UTF-8.
source_path The path used to initialize each node's source().path. If you don't have a path (or you have no intention of using paths in diagnostics) then this parameter can safely be left blank.
Returns With exceptions: A toml::table. Without exceptions: A toml::parse_result.
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "a = 3"sv;

auto tbl = toml::parse(ss, "foo.toml");
std::cout << tbl["a"] << "\n";

parse_result toml::parse_file(std::string_view file_path)

Parses a TOML document from a file.

file_path The TOML document to parse. Must be valid UTF-8.
Returns With exceptions: A toml::table. Without exceptions: A toml::parse_result.
toml::parse_result get_foo_toml()
    return toml::parse_file("foo.toml");

parse_result toml::parse_file(std::u8string_view file_path)

Parses a TOML document from a file.

file_path The TOML document to parse. Must be valid UTF-8.
Returns With exceptions: A toml::table. Without exceptions: A toml::parse_result.
toml::parse_result get_foo_toml()
    return toml::parse_file(u8"foo.toml");

parse_result toml::parse_file(std::wstring_view file_path)

Parses a TOML document from a file.

file_path The TOML document to parse. Must be valid UTF-8.
Returns With exceptions: A toml::table. Without exceptions: A toml::parse_result.
toml::parse_result get_foo_toml()
    return toml::parse_file(L"foo.toml");