template <typename ValueType>
value class final
A TOML value.
Template parameters | |
ValueType | The value's native TOML data type. Can be one of: |
Base classes
- class node
- A TOML node.
Public types
using value_arg = std::
conditional_t <std::is_same_v <value_type , std::string >, std::string_view , std::conditional_t <impl::is_one_of<value_type , double, int64_t, bool>, value_type , const value_type &>> - A type alias for 'value arguments'.
- using value_type = ValueType
- The value's underlying data type.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
Public functions
template <typename T>auto operator!=(const value& lhs, const value<T>& rhs) → bool noexcept
- Inequality operator.
auto operator<(const value& lhs,
arg rhs) → bool noexcept - Value less-than operator.
auto operator<(value_
arg lhs, const value& rhs) → bool noexcept - Value less-than operator.
template <typename T>auto operator<(const value& lhs, const value<T>& rhs) → bool noexcept
- Less-than operator.
auto operator<=(const value& lhs,
arg rhs) → bool noexcept - Value less-than-or-equal-to operator.
auto operator<=(value_
arg lhs, const value& rhs) → bool noexcept - Value less-than-or-equal-to operator.
template <typename T>auto operator<=(const value& lhs, const value<T>& rhs) → bool noexcept
- Less-than-or-equal-to operator.
auto operator==(const value& lhs,
arg rhs) → bool noexcept - Value equality operator.
template <typename T>auto operator==(const value& lhs, const value<T>& rhs) → bool noexcept
- Equality operator.
auto operator>(const value& lhs,
arg rhs) → bool noexcept - Value greater-than operator.
auto operator>(value_
arg lhs, const value& rhs) → bool noexcept - Value greater-than operator.
template <typename T>auto operator>(const value& lhs, const value<T>& rhs) → bool noexcept
- Greater-than operator.
auto operator>=(const value& lhs,
arg rhs) → bool noexcept - Value greater-than-or-equal-to operator.
auto operator>=(value_
arg lhs, const value& rhs) → bool noexcept - Value greater-than-or-equal-to operator.
template <typename T>auto operator>=(const value& lhs, const value<T>& rhs) → bool noexcept
- Greater-than-or-equal-to operator.
auto flags() const → value_
flags noexcept - Returns the metadata flags associated with this value.
auto flags(value_
flags new_flags) → value& noexcept - Sets the metadata flags associated with this value.
auto source() const → const source_
region & noexcept - Returns the source region responsible for generating this node during parsing.
Node views
- operator node_view<const node>() const explicit noexcept
- Creates a node_
view pointing to this node (const overload). - operator node_view<node>() explicit noexcept
- Creates a node_
view pointing to this node.
Type casts
template <typename T>auto as() → impl::wrap_node<T>* noexcept
- Gets a pointer to the node as a more specific node type.
template <typename T>auto as() const → const impl::wrap_node<T>* noexcept
- Gets a pointer to the node as a more specific node type (const overload).
- auto as_array() → array* virtual noexcept
- Returns a pointer to the node as a toml::
array , if it is one. - auto as_boolean() → value<bool>* override noexcept
- Returns a pointer to the node as a toml::value<bool>, if it is one.
- auto as_date() → value<date>* override noexcept
- Returns a pointer to the node as a toml::value<date>, if it is one.
auto as_date_time() → value<date_
time >* override noexcept - Returns a pointer to the node as a toml::value<date_time>, if it is one.
- auto as_floating_point() → value<double>* override noexcept
- Returns a pointer to the node as a toml::value<double>, if it is one.
- auto as_integer() → value<int64_t>* override noexcept
- Returns a pointer to the node as a toml::value<int64_t>, if it is one.
auto as_string() → value<std::
string >* override noexcept - Returns a pointer to the node as a toml::value<string>, if it is one.
- auto as_table() → table* virtual noexcept
- Returns a pointer to the node as a toml::
table , if it is one. - auto as_time() → value<time>* override noexcept
- Returns a pointer to the node as a toml::value<time>, if it is one.
Type checks
template <typename T>auto is() const → bool noexcept
- Checks if a node is a specific type.
- auto is_array() const → bool override noexcept
- Returns true if this node is an array.
- auto is_array_of_tables() const → bool virtual noexcept
- Returns true if this node is an array containing only tables.
- auto is_boolean() const → bool override noexcept
- Returns true if this node is a boolean value.
- auto is_date() const → bool override noexcept
- Returns true if this node is a local date value.
- auto is_date_time() const → bool override noexcept
- Returns true if this node is a date-time value.
- auto is_floating_point() const → bool override noexcept
- Returns true if this node is an floating-point value.
auto is_homogeneous(node_
type ntype) const → bool override noexcept - Checks if the node contains values/elements of only one type.
auto is_homogeneous(node_
type ntype, toml::node *& first_nonmatch) → bool override noexcept - Checks if a node contains values/elements of only one type.
auto is_homogeneous(node_
type ntype, const toml::node *& first_nonmatch) const → bool override noexcept - Checks if a node contains values/elements of only one type (const overload).
- auto is_integer() const → bool override noexcept
- Returns true if this node is an integer value.
- auto is_number() const → bool override noexcept
- Returns true if this node is an integer or floating-point value.
- auto is_string() const → bool override noexcept
- Returns true if this node is a string value.
- auto is_table() const → bool override noexcept
- Returns true if this node is a table.
- auto is_time() const → bool override noexcept
- Returns true if this node is a local time value.
- auto is_value() const → bool override noexcept
- Returns true if this node is a value.
auto type() const → node_
type override noexcept - Returns the value's node type identifier.
Value retrieval
auto get() & → value_
type & noexcept - Returns a reference to the underlying value.
auto get() && → value_
type && noexcept - Returns a reference to the underlying value (rvalue overload).
auto get() const & → const value_
type & noexcept - Returns a reference to the underlying value (const overload).
- operator const value_type&() const & explicit noexcept
- Returns a reference to the underlying value (const overload).
- operator value_type&() & explicit noexcept
- Returns a reference to the underlying value.
- operator value_type&&() && explicit noexcept
- Returns a reference to the underlying value (rvalue overload).
auto operator*() & → value_
type & noexcept - Returns a reference to the underlying value.
auto operator*() && → value_
type && noexcept - Returns a reference to the underlying value (rvalue overload).
auto operator*() const & → const value_
type & noexcept - Returns a reference to the underlying value (const overload).
template <typename T>auto ref() & → impl::unwrap_node<T>& noexcept
- Gets a raw reference to a value node's underlying data.
template <typename T>auto ref() && → impl::unwrap_node<T>&& noexcept
- Gets a raw reference to a value node's underlying data (rvalue overload).
template <typename T>auto ref() const & → const impl::unwrap_node<T>& noexcept
- Gets a raw reference to a value node's underlying data (const lvalue overload).
template <typename T>auto value() const → optional<T> noexcept
- Gets the value contained by this node.
template <typename T>auto value_exact() const → optional<T> noexcept
- Gets the value contained by this node.
template <typename T>auto value_or(T&& default_value) const → auto noexcept
- Gets the raw value contained by this node, or a default.
template <typename Func>auto visit(Func&& visitor) & → decltype(auto) noexcept(…)
- Invokes a visitor on the node based on the node's concrete type.
template <typename Func>auto visit(Func&& visitor) && → decltype(auto) noexcept(…)
- Invokes a visitor on the node based on the node's concrete type (rvalue overload).
template <typename Func>auto visit(Func&& visitor) const & → decltype(auto) noexcept(…)
- Invokes a visitor on the node based on the node's concrete type (const lvalue overload).
template <typename Char, typename T>auto operator<<(std::
basic_ostream <Char>& lhs, const value<T>& rhs) → std::basic_ostream <Char>& - Prints the value out to a stream as formatted TOML.
Typedef documentation
template <typename ValueType>
using toml::value::value_arg = std::conditional_t <std::is_same_v <value_type , std::string >, std::string_view , std::conditional_t <impl::is_one_of<value_type , double, int64_t, bool>, value_type , const value_type &>>
A type alias for 'value arguments'.
This differs according to the value's type argument:
- ints, floats, booleans:
- strings:
- everything else:
const value_type&
Function documentation
template <typename ValueType>
template <typename... Args>
toml::value::value(Args && ... args) explicit noexcept(…)
template <typename... Args>
Constructs a toml value.
Template parameters | |
Args | Constructor argument types. |
Parameters | |
args | Arguments to forward to the internal value's constructor. |
template <typename ValueType>
template <typename T>
bool toml::value::operator!=(const value& lhs,
const value<T>& rhs) noexcept
template <typename T>
Inequality operator.
Parameters | |
lhs | The LHS value. |
rhs | The RHS value. |
Returns | True if the values were not of the same type, or did not contain the same value. |
template <typename ValueType>
template <typename T>
bool toml::value::operator<(const value& lhs,
const value<T>& rhs) noexcept
template <typename T>
Less-than operator.
Parameters | |
lhs | The LHS toml:: |
rhs | The RHS toml:: |
Returns | Same value types:
lhs.get() < rhs.get() Different value types:
lhs.type() < rhs.type() |
template <typename ValueType>
template <typename T>
bool toml::value::operator<=(const value& lhs,
const value<T>& rhs) noexcept
template <typename T>
Less-than-or-equal-to operator.
Parameters | |
lhs | The LHS toml:: |
rhs | The RHS toml:: |
Returns | Same value types:
lhs.get() <= rhs.get() Different value types:
lhs.type() <= rhs.type() |
template <typename ValueType>
template <typename T>
bool toml::value::operator==(const value& lhs,
const value<T>& rhs) noexcept
template <typename T>
Equality operator.
Parameters | |
lhs | The LHS value. |
rhs | The RHS value. |
Returns | True if the values were of the same type and contained the same value. |
template <typename ValueType>
template <typename T>
bool toml::value::operator>(const value& lhs,
const value<T>& rhs) noexcept
template <typename T>
Greater-than operator.
Parameters | |
lhs | The LHS toml:: |
rhs | The RHS toml:: |
Returns | Same value types:
lhs.get() > rhs.get() Different value types:
lhs.type() > rhs.type() |
template <typename ValueType>
template <typename T>
bool toml::value::operator>=(const value& lhs,
const value<T>& rhs) noexcept
template <typename T>
Greater-than-or-equal-to operator.
Parameters | |
lhs | The LHS toml:: |
rhs | The RHS toml:: |
Returns | Same value types:
lhs.get() >= rhs.get() Different value types:
lhs.type() >= rhs.type() |
template <typename ValueType>
value& toml::value::flags(value_flags new_flags) noexcept
Sets the metadata flags associated with this value.
Returns | A reference to the value object. |
template <typename ValueType>
bool toml::value::is_homogeneous(node_type ntype) const override noexcept
Checks if the node contains values/elements of only one type.
Parameters | |
ntype | A TOML node type. toml:: |
Returns | True if the node was homogeneous. |
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 2, 3 }; std::cout << "homogenous: "sv << arr.is_homogeneous(toml::node_type::none) << "\n"; std::cout << "all floats: "sv << arr.is_homogeneous(toml::node_type::floating_point) << "\n"; std::cout << "all arrays: "sv << arr.is_homogeneous(toml::node_type::array) << "\n"; std::cout << "all ints: "sv << arr.is_homogeneous(toml::node_type::integer) << "\n";
homogeneous: true all floats: false all arrays: false all ints: true
template <typename ValueType>
bool toml::value::is_homogeneous(node_type ntype,
toml::node *& first_nonmatch) override noexcept
Checks if a node contains values/elements of only one type.
Parameters | |
ntype | A TOML node type. toml:: |
first_nonmatch | Reference to a pointer in which the address of the first non-matching element will be stored if the return value is false. |
Returns | True if the node was homogeneous. |
auto cfg = toml::parse("arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4.0 ]"); toml::array& arr = *cfg["arr"].as_array(); toml::node* nonmatch{}; if (arr.is_homogeneous(toml::node_type::integer, nonmatch)) std::cout << "array was homogeneous"sv << "\n"; else std::cout << "array was not homogeneous!\n" << "first non-match was a "sv << nonmatch->type() << " at " << nonmatch->source() << "\n";
array was not homogeneous! first non-match was a floating-point at line 1, column 18