arrayA TOML array.
The interface of this type is modeled after std::
Try this code on Compiler Explorer
toml::table tbl = toml::parse(R"( arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 'five'] )"sv); // get the element as an array toml::array& arr = *tbl.get_as<toml::array>("arr"); std::cout << arr << "\n"; // increment each element with visit() for (auto&& elem : arr) { elem.visit([](auto&& el) noexcept { if constexpr (toml::is_number<decltype(el)>) (*el)++; else if constexpr (toml::is_string<decltype(el)>) el = "six"sv; }); } std::cout << arr << "\n"; // add and remove elements arr.push_back(7); arr.push_back(8.0f); arr.push_back("nine"sv); arr.erase(arr.cbegin()); std::cout << arr << "\n"; // emplace elements arr.emplace_back("ten"); arr.emplace_back<toml::array>(11, 12.0); std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 'five' ] [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 'six' ] [ 3, 4, 5, 'six', 7, 8.0, 'nine' ] [ 3, 4, 5, 'six', 7, 8.0, 'nine', 'ten', [ 11, 12.0 ] ]
Base classes
- class node
- A TOML node.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
Public functions
- auto operator!=(const array& lhs, const array& rhs) → bool noexcept
- Inequality operator.
- auto operator==(const array& lhs, const array& rhs) → bool noexcept
- Equality operator.
template <typename T>auto operator==(const array& lhs, const std::
initializer_list <T>& rhs) → bool noexcept - Initializer list equality operator.
template <typename T>auto operator==(const array& lhs, const std::
vector <T>& rhs) → bool noexcept - Vector equality operator.
- void clear() noexcept
- Removes all elements from the array.
auto erase(const_
iterator pos) → iterator noexcept - Removes the specified element from the array.
auto erase(const_
iterator first, const_iterator last) → iterator noexcept - Removes the elements in the range [first, last) from the array.
- auto flatten() & → array&
- Flattens this array, recursively hoisting the contents of child arrays up into itself.
- auto flatten() && → array&&
- Flattens this array, recursively hoisting the contents of child arrays up into itself (rvalue overload).
- void pop_back() noexcept
- Removes the last element from the array.
- auto prune(bool recursive = true) & → array& noexcept
- Removes empty child arrays and tables.
- auto prune(bool recursive = true) && → array&& noexcept
- Removes empty child arrays and tables (rvalue overload).
Insertion and Emplacement
template <typename ElemType = void, typename... Args>auto emplace(const_
iterator pos, Args && ... args) → iterator - Emplaces a new element at a specific position in the array.
template <typename ElemType = void, typename... Args>auto emplace_back(Args && ... args) → decltype(auto)
- Emplaces a new element at the end of the array.
template <typename ElemType>auto insert(const_
iterator pos, ElemType&& val, value_flags flags = preserve_source_ ) → iteratorvalue_ flags - Inserts a new element at a specific position in the array.
template <typename ElemType>auto insert(const_
iterator pos, size_t count, ElemType&& val, value_flags flags = preserve_source_ ) → iteratorvalue_ flags - Repeatedly inserts a new element starting at a specific position in the array.
template <typename Iter>auto insert(const_
iterator pos, Iter first, Iter last, value_flags flags = preserve_source_ ) → iteratorvalue_ flags - Inserts a range of elements into the array at a specific position.
template <typename ElemType>auto insert(const_
iterator pos, std::initializer_list <ElemType> ilist, value_flags flags = preserve_source_ ) → iteratorvalue_ flags - Inserts a range of elements into the array at a specific position.
template <typename ElemType>void push_back(ElemType&& val, value_
flags flags = preserve_source_ )value_ flags - Appends a new element to the end of the array.
template <typename ElemType>auto replace(const_
iterator pos, ElemType&& val, value_flags flags = preserve_source_ ) → iteratorvalue_ flags - Replaces the element at a specific position in the array with a different value.
using const_iterator = const_
array_ iterator - A RandomAccessIterator for iterating over const elements in a toml::
array . -
using iterator = array_
iterator - A RandomAccessIterator for iterating over elements in a toml::
array . - auto begin() → iterator noexcept
- Returns an iterator to the first element.
auto begin() const → const_
iterator noexcept - Returns an iterator to the first element.
auto cbegin() const → const_
iterator noexcept - Returns an iterator to the first element.
auto cend() const → const_
iterator noexcept - Returns an iterator to one-past-the-last element.
- auto end() → iterator noexcept
- Returns an iterator to one-past-the-last element.
auto end() const → const_
iterator noexcept - Returns an iterator to one-past-the-last element.
template <typename Func>auto for_each(Func&& visitor) & → array& noexcept(…)
- Invokes a visitor on each element in the array.
template <typename Func>auto for_each(Func&& visitor) && → array&& noexcept(…)
- Invokes a visitor on each element in the array (rvalue overload).
template <typename Func>auto for_each(Func&& visitor) const & → const array& noexcept(…)
- Invokes a visitor on each element in the array (const lvalue overload).
template <typename Func>auto for_each(Func&& visitor) const && → const array&& noexcept(…)
- Invokes a visitor on each element in the array (const rvalue overload).
auto source() const → const source_
region & noexcept - Returns the source region responsible for generating this node during parsing.
Node views
auto at_path(std::
string_view path) → node_view <node> noexcept - Returns a view of the subnode matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
auto at_path(std::
string_view path) const → node_view <const node> noexcept - Returns a const view of the subnode matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
auto at_path(const toml::
path & path) → node_view <node> noexcept - Returns a view of the subnode matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
auto at_path(const toml::
path & path) const → node_view <const node> noexcept - Returns a const view of the subnode matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
auto at_path(std::
wstring_view path) → node_view <node> - Returns a view of the subnode matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
auto at_path(std::
wstring_view path) const → node_view <const node> - Returns a const view of the subnode matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
- operator node_view<const node>() const explicit noexcept
- Creates a node_
view pointing to this node (const overload). - operator node_view<node>() explicit noexcept
- Creates a node_
view pointing to this node. -
auto operator[](const toml::
path & path) → node_view <node> noexcept - Returns a const view of the subnode matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
auto operator[](const toml::
path & path) const → node_view <const node> noexcept - Returns a const view of the subnode matching a fully-qualified "TOML path".
Size and Capacity
- auto capacity() const → size_t noexcept
- Returns the current max number of elements that may be held in the array's internal storage.
- auto empty() const → bool noexcept
- Returns true if the array is empty.
- auto max_size() const → size_t noexcept
- Returns the maximum number of elements that can be stored in an array on the current platform.
- void reserve(size_t new_capacity)
- Reserves internal storage capacity up to a pre-determined number of elements.
template <typename ElemType>void resize(size_t new_size, ElemType&& default_init_val, value_
flags default_init_flags = preserve_source_ )value_ flags - Resizes the array.
- void shrink_to_fit()
- Requests the removal of any unused internal storage capacity.
- auto size() const → size_t noexcept
- Returns the number of elements in the array.
- void truncate(size_t new_size)
- Shrinks the array to the given size.
Type casts
template <typename T>auto as() → impl::wrap_node<T>* noexcept
- Gets a pointer to the node as a more specific node type.
template <typename T>auto as() const → const impl::wrap_node<T>* noexcept
- Gets a pointer to the node as a more specific node type (const overload).
- auto as_array() → array* final noexcept
- Returns a pointer to the array.
- auto as_array() const → const array* final noexcept
- Returns a const-qualified pointer to the array.
auto as_boolean() → toml::
value <bool>* final noexcept - Returns
. -
auto as_boolean() const → const toml::
value <bool>* final noexcept - Returns
. -
auto as_date() → toml::
value <date>* final noexcept - Returns
. -
auto as_date() const → const toml::
value <date>* final noexcept - Returns
. -
auto as_date_time() → toml::
value <date_time >* final noexcept - Returns
. -
auto as_date_time() const → const toml::
value <date_time >* final noexcept - Returns
. -
auto as_floating_point() → toml::
value <double>* final noexcept - Returns
. -
auto as_floating_point() const → const toml::
value <double>* final noexcept - Returns
. -
auto as_integer() → toml::
value <int64_t>* final noexcept - Returns
. -
auto as_integer() const → const toml::
value <int64_t>* final noexcept - Returns
. -
auto as_string() → toml::
value <std::string >* final noexcept - Returns
. -
auto as_string() const → const toml::
value <std::string >* final noexcept - Returns
. - auto as_table() → table* final noexcept
- Returns
. - auto as_table() const → const table* final noexcept
- Returns
. -
auto as_time() → toml::
value <time>* final noexcept - Returns
. -
auto as_time() const → const toml::
value <time>* final noexcept - Returns
Type checks
template <typename T>auto is() const → bool noexcept
- Checks if a node is a specific type.
- auto is_array() const → bool final noexcept
- Returns
. - auto is_array_of_tables() const → bool final noexcept
- Returns
if the array contains only tables. - auto is_boolean() const → bool final noexcept
- Returns
. - auto is_date() const → bool final noexcept
- Returns
. - auto is_date_time() const → bool final noexcept
- Returns
. - auto is_floating_point() const → bool final noexcept
- Returns
. -
auto is_homogeneous(node_
type ntype) const → bool final noexcept - Checks if the node contains values/elements of only one type.
auto is_homogeneous(node_
type ntype, node*& first_nonmatch) → bool final noexcept - Checks if a node contains values/elements of only one type.
auto is_homogeneous(node_
type ntype, const node*& first_nonmatch) const → bool final noexcept - Checks if a node contains values/elements of only one type (const overload).
template <typename ElemType = void>auto is_homogeneous() const → bool noexcept
- Checks if the node contains values/elements of only one type.
- auto is_integer() const → bool final noexcept
- Returns
. - auto is_number() const → bool final noexcept
- Returns
. - auto is_string() const → bool final noexcept
- Returns
. - auto is_table() const → bool final noexcept
- Returns
. - auto is_time() const → bool final noexcept
- Returns
. - auto is_value() const → bool final noexcept
- Returns
. -
auto type() const → node_
type final noexcept - Returns toml::
node_type:: .array
Value retrieval
- auto at(size_t index) → node&
- Gets a reference to the element at a specific index, throwing
if none existed.out_of_range - auto at(size_t index) const → const node&
- Gets a reference to the element at a specific index, throwing
if none existed.out_of_range - auto back() → node& noexcept
- Returns a reference to the last element in the array.
- auto back() const → const node& noexcept
- Returns a reference to the last element in the array.
- auto front() → node& noexcept
- Returns a reference to the first element in the array.
- auto front() const → const node& noexcept
- Returns a reference to the first element in the array.
- auto get(size_t index) → node* noexcept
- Gets a pointer to the element at a specific index.
- auto get(size_t index) const → const node* noexcept
- Gets a pointer to the element at a specific index (const overload).
template <typename ElemType>auto get_as(size_t index) → impl::wrap_node<ElemType>* noexcept
- Gets a pointer to the element at a specific index if it is a particular type.
template <typename ElemType>auto get_as(size_t index) const → const impl::wrap_node<ElemType>* noexcept
- Gets a pointer to the element at a specific index if it is a particular type (const overload).
- auto operator[](size_t index) → node& noexcept
- Gets a reference to the element at a specific index.
- auto operator[](size_t index) const → const node& noexcept
- Gets a reference to the element at a specific index.
template <typename T>auto ref() & → decltype(auto) noexcept
- Gets a raw reference to a node's underlying data.
template <typename T>auto ref() && → decltype(auto) noexcept
- Gets a raw reference to a node's underlying data (rvalue overload).
template <typename T>auto ref() const & → decltype(auto) noexcept
- Gets a raw reference to a node's underlying data (const lvalue overload).
template <typename T>auto ref() const && → decltype(auto) noexcept
- Gets a raw reference to a node's underlying data (const rvalue overload).
template <typename T>auto value() const → optional<T> noexcept(…)
- Gets the value contained by this node.
template <typename T>auto value_exact() const → optional<T> noexcept(…)
- Gets the value contained by this node.
template <typename T>auto value_or(T&& default_value) const → auto noexcept(…)
- Gets the raw value contained by this node, or a default.
template <typename Func>auto visit(Func&& visitor) & → decltype(auto) noexcept(…)
- Invokes a visitor on the node based on the node's concrete type.
template <typename Func>auto visit(Func&& visitor) && → decltype(auto) noexcept(…)
- Invokes a visitor on the node based on the node's concrete type (rvalue overload).
template <typename Func>auto visit(Func&& visitor) const & → decltype(auto) noexcept(…)
- Invokes a visitor on the node based on the node's concrete type (const lvalue overload).
template <typename Func>auto visit(Func&& visitor) const && → decltype(auto) noexcept(…)
- Invokes a visitor on the node based on the node's concrete type (const rvalue overload).
auto operator<<(std::
ostream & lhs, const array& rhs) → std::ostream & - Prints the array out to a stream as formatted TOML.
Function documentation
template <typename ElemType, typename... ElemTypes>
toml::array:: array(ElemType&& val,
ElemTypes && ... vals) explicit
Constructs an array with one or more initial elements.
Template parameters | |
ElemType | One of the TOML node or value types (or a type promotable to one). |
ElemTypes | One of the TOML node or value types (or a type promotable to one). |
Parameters | |
val | The node or value used to initialize element 0. |
vals | The nodes or values used to initialize elements 1...N. |
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 2.0, "three"sv, toml::array{ 4, 5 } }; std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 1, 2.0, 'three', [ 4, 5 ] ]
bool toml::array:: operator!=(const array& lhs,
const array& rhs) noexcept
Inequality operator.
Parameters | |
lhs | The LHS array. |
rhs | The RHS array. |
Returns | True if the arrays did not contain the same elements. |
bool toml::array:: operator==(const array& lhs,
const array& rhs) noexcept
Equality operator.
Parameters | |
lhs | The LHS array. |
rhs | The RHS array. |
Returns | True if the arrays contained the same elements. |
iterator toml::array:: erase(const_iterator pos) noexcept
Removes the specified element from the array.
Parameters | |
pos | Iterator to the element being erased. |
Returns | Iterator to the first element immediately following the removed element. |
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 2, 3 }; std::cout << arr << "\n"; arr.erase(arr.cbegin() + 1); std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 3 ]
iterator toml::array:: erase(const_iterator first,
const_iterator last) noexcept
Removes the elements in the range [first, last) from the array.
Parameters | |
first | Iterator to the first element being erased. |
last | Iterator to the one-past-the-last element being erased. |
Returns | Iterator to the first element immediately following the last removed element. |
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, "bad", "karma" 2 }; std::cout << arr << "\n"; arr.erase(arr.cbegin() + 1, arr.cbegin() + 3); std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 1, 'bad', 'karma', 3 ] [ 1, 3 ]
array& toml::array:: flatten() &
Flattens this array, recursively hoisting the contents of child arrays up into itself.
Returns | A reference to the array. |
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 2, toml::array{ 3, 4, toml::array{ 5 } }, 6, toml::array{} }; std::cout << arr << "\n"; arr.flatten(); std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 1, 2, [ 3, 4, [ 5 ] ], 6, [] ] [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
array& toml::array:: prune(bool recursive = true) & noexcept
Removes empty child arrays and tables.
Parameters | |
recursive | Should child arrays and tables themselves be pruned? |
Returns | A reference to the array. |
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 2, toml::array{ }, toml::array{ 3, toml::array{ } }, 4 }; std::cout << arr << "\n"; arr.prune(true); std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 1, 2, [], [ 3, [] ], 4 ] [ 1, 2, [ 3 ], 4 ]
template <typename ElemType = void, typename... Args>
iterator toml::array:: emplace(const_iterator pos,
Args && ... args)
Emplaces a new element at a specific position in the array.
Template parameters | |
ElemType | toml:: |
Args | Value constructor argument types. |
Parameters | |
pos | The insertion position. |
args | Arguments to forward to the value's constructor. |
Returns | An iterator to the inserted element. |
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 2 }; //add a string using std::string's substring constructor arr.emplace<std::string>(arr.cbegin() + 1, "this is not a drill"sv, 14, 5); std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 1, 'drill', 2 ]
template <typename ElemType = void, typename... Args>
decltype(auto) toml::array:: emplace_back(Args && ... args)
Emplaces a new element at the end of the array.
Template parameters | |
ElemType | toml:: |
Args | Element constructor argument types. |
Parameters | |
args | Arguments to forward to the elements's constructor. |
Returns | A reference to the newly-constructed element. |
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 2 }; arr.emplace_back<toml::array>(3, "four"sv); std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 1, 2, [ 3, 'four' ] ]
template <typename ElemType>
iterator toml::array:: insert(const_iterator pos,
ElemType&& val,
value_flags flags = preserve_source_value_flags )
Inserts a new element at a specific position in the array.
Template parameters | |
ElemType | toml:: |
Parameters | |
pos | The insertion position. |
val | The node or value being inserted. |
flags | Value flags to apply to new values. |
Returns | Valid input: An iterator to the newly-inserted element. Input is a null toml:: |
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 3 }; arr.insert(arr.cbegin() + 1, "two"); arr.insert(arr.cend(), toml::array{ 4, 5 }); std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 1, 'two', 3, [ 4, 5 ] ]
template <typename ElemType>
iterator toml::array:: insert(const_iterator pos,
size_t count,
ElemType&& val,
value_flags flags = preserve_source_value_flags )
Repeatedly inserts a new element starting at a specific position in the array.
Template parameters | |
ElemType | toml:: |
Parameters | |
pos | The insertion position. |
count | The number of times the node or value should be inserted. |
val | The node or value being inserted. |
flags | Value flags to apply to new values. |
Returns | Valid input: An iterator to the newly-inserted element. count == 0: A copy of pos Input is a null toml:: |
auto arr = toml::array{ "with an evil twinkle in its eye the goose said", "and immediately we knew peace was never an option." }; arr.insert(arr.cbegin() + 1, 3, "honk"); std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 'with an evil twinkle in its eye the goose said', 'honk', 'honk', 'honk', 'and immediately we knew peace was never an option.' ]
template <typename Iter>
iterator toml::array:: insert(const_iterator pos,
Iter first,
Iter last,
value_flags flags = preserve_source_value_flags )
Inserts a range of elements into the array at a specific position.
Template parameters | |
Iter | An iterator type. Must satisfy ForwardIterator. |
Parameters | |
pos | The insertion position. |
first | Iterator to the first node or value being inserted. |
last | Iterator to the one-past-the-last node or value being inserted. |
flags | Value flags to apply to new values. |
Returns | Valid input: An iterator to the first newly-inserted element. first >= last: A copy of pos All objects in the range were null toml::node_views: A copy of pos |
template <typename ElemType>
iterator toml::array:: insert(const_iterator pos,
std::initializer_list <ElemType> ilist,
value_flags flags = preserve_source_value_flags )
Inserts a range of elements into the array at a specific position.
Template parameters | |
ElemType | toml:: |
Parameters | |
pos | The insertion position. |
ilist | An initializer list containing the values to be inserted. |
flags | Value flags to apply to new values. |
Returns | Valid input: An iterator to the first newly-inserted element. Input list is empty: A copy of pos All objects in the list were null toml::node_views: A copy of pos |
template <typename ElemType>
void toml::array:: push_back(ElemType&& val,
value_flags flags = preserve_source_value_flags )
Appends a new element to the end of the array.
Template parameters | |
ElemType | toml:: |
Parameters | |
val | The node or value being added. |
flags | Value flags to apply to new values. |
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 2 }; arr.push_back(3); arr.push_back(4.0); arr.push_back(toml::array{ 5, "six"sv }); std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 1, 2, 3, 4.0, [ 5, 'six' ] ]
template <typename ElemType>
iterator toml::array:: replace(const_iterator pos,
ElemType&& val,
value_flags flags = preserve_source_value_flags )
Replaces the element at a specific position in the array with a different value.
Template parameters | |
ElemType | toml:: |
Parameters | |
pos | The insertion position. |
val | The node or value being inserted. |
flags | Value flags to apply to new values. |
Returns | Valid input: An iterator to the replaced element. Input is a null toml:: |
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 2, 3 }; std::cout << arr << "\n"; arr.replace(arr.cbegin() + 1, "two"); std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 'two', 3 ]
template <typename Func>
array& toml::array:: for_each(Func&& visitor) & noexcept(…)
Invokes a visitor on each element in the array.
Template parameters | |
Func | A callable type invocable with one of the following signatures:
Visitors returning |
Parameters | |
visitor | The visitor object. |
Returns | A reference to the array. |
toml::array arr{ 0, 1, 2, 3.0, "four", "five", 6 }; // select only the integers using a strongly-typed visitor arr.for_each([](toml::value<int64_t>& elem) { std::cout << elem << ", "; }); std::cout << "\n"; // select all the numeric values using a generic visitor + is_number<> metafunction arr.for_each([](auto&& elem) { if constexpr (toml::is_number<decltype(elem)>) std::cout << elem << ", "; }); std::cout << "\n"; // select all the numeric values until we encounter something non-numeric arr.for_each([](auto&& elem) { if constexpr (toml::is_number<decltype(elem)>) { std::cout << elem << ", "; return true; // "keep going" } else return false; // "stop!" }); std::cout << "\n";
0, 1, 2, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3.0, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3.0,
template <typename ElemType>
void toml::array:: resize(size_t new_size,
ElemType&& default_init_val,
value_flags default_init_flags = preserve_source_value_flags )
Resizes the array.
Template parameters | |
ElemType | toml:: |
Parameters | |
new_size | The number of elements the array will have after resizing. |
default_init_val | The node or value used to initialize new elements if the array needs to grow. |
default_init_flags | Value flags to apply to new values created if new elements are created by growing. |
Try this code on Compiler Explorer
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 2, 3 }; std::cout << arr << "\n"; arr.resize(6, 42); std::cout << arr << "\n"; arr.resize(2, 0); std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 42, 42, 42 ] [ 1, 2 ]
void toml::array:: truncate(size_t new_size)
Shrinks the array to the given size.
Try this code on Compiler Explorer
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 2, 3 }; std::cout << arr << "\n"; arr.truncate(5); // no-op std::cout << arr << "\n"; arr.truncate(1); std::cout << arr << "\n";
[ 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1]
bool toml::array:: is_homogeneous(node_type ntype) const final noexcept
Checks if the node contains values/elements of only one type.
Parameters | |
ntype | A TOML node type. toml:: |
Returns | True if the node was homogeneous. |
auto arr = toml::array{ 1, 2, 3 }; std::cout << "homogenous: "sv << arr.is_homogeneous(toml::node_type::none) << "\n"; std::cout << "all floats: "sv << arr.is_homogeneous(toml::node_type::floating_point) << "\n"; std::cout << "all arrays: "sv << arr.is_homogeneous(toml::node_type::array) << "\n"; std::cout << "all ints: "sv << arr.is_homogeneous(toml::node_type::integer) << "\n";
homogeneous: true all floats: false all arrays: false all ints: true
bool toml::array:: is_homogeneous(node_type ntype,
node*& first_nonmatch) final noexcept
Checks if a node contains values/elements of only one type.
Parameters | |
ntype | A TOML node type. toml:: |
first_nonmatch | Reference to a pointer in which the address of the first non-matching element will be stored if the return value is false. |
Returns | True if the node was homogeneous. |
auto cfg = toml::parse("arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4.0 ]"); toml::array& arr = *cfg["arr"].as_array(); toml::node* nonmatch{}; if (arr.is_homogeneous(toml::node_type::integer, nonmatch)) std::cout << "array was homogeneous"sv << "\n"; else std::cout << "array was not homogeneous!\n" << "first non-match was a "sv << nonmatch->type() << " at " << nonmatch->source() << "\n";
array was not homogeneous! first non-match was a floating-point at line 1, column 18
node* toml::array:: get(size_t index) noexcept
Gets a pointer to the element at a specific index.
Parameters | |
index | The element's index. |
Returns | A pointer to the element at the specified index if one existed, or nullptr. |
auto arr = toml::array{ 99, "bottles of beer on the wall" }; std::cout << "element [0] exists: "sv << !!arr.get(0) << "\n"; std::cout << "element [1] exists: "sv << !!arr.get(1) << "\n"; std::cout << "element [2] exists: "sv << !!arr.get(2) << "\n"; if (toml::node* val = arr.get(0)) std::cout << "element [0] is an "sv << val->type() << "\n";
element [0] exists: true element [1] exists: true element [2] exists: false element [0] is an integer
template <typename ElemType>
impl::wrap_node<ElemType>* toml::array:: get_as(size_t index) noexcept
Gets a pointer to the element at a specific index if it is a particular type.
Template parameters | |
ElemType | toml:: |
Parameters | |
index | The element's index. |
Returns | A pointer to the selected element if it existed and was of the specified type, or nullptr. |
auto arr = toml::array{ 42, "is the meaning of life, apparently."sv }; if (toml::value<int64_t>* val = arr.get_as<int64_t>(0)) std::cout << "element [0] is an integer with value "sv << *val << "\n";
element [0] is an integer with value 42
template <typename ElemType>
const impl::wrap_node<ElemType>* toml::array:: get_as(size_t index) const noexcept
Gets a pointer to the element at a specific index if it is a particular type (const overload).
Template parameters | |
ElemType | toml:: |
Parameters | |
index | The element's index. |
Returns | A pointer to the selected element if it existed and was of the specified type, or nullptr. |
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & lhs,
const array& rhs)
Prints the array out to a stream as formatted TOML.