muu/compressed_pair.h file

Contains the definition of muu::compressed_pair.


namespace muu
The root namespace for all muu functions and types.


template <typename First, typename Second>
class muu::compressed_pair
A pair that uses Empty Base Class Optimization to elide storage for one or both of its members where possible.
template <typename First, typename Second>
struct std::tuple_size<muu::compressed_pair<First, Second>>
Specialization of std::tuple_size for muu::compressed_pair.
template <size_t I, typename First, typename Second>
struct std::tuple_element<I, muu::compressed_pair<First, Second>>
Specialization of std::tuple_element for muu::compressed_pair.


template <typename F, typename S>
void swap(compressed_pair<F, S>& lhs, compressed_pair<F, S>& rhs) noexcept(…)
Swaps two compressed pairs.