soagen::examples namespace

Types generated by soagen for example purposes.


class boxes
A SIMD-friendly AABB container.
class entities
class spheres
A SIMD-friendly bounding sphere container.


void swap(entities& lhs, entities& rhs) constexpr noexcept(…)
Swaps the contents of two instances of soagen::examples::entities.
void swap(boxes& lhs, boxes& rhs) constexpr noexcept(…)
Swaps the contents of two instances of soagen::examples::boxes.
void swap(spheres& lhs, spheres& rhs) constexpr noexcept(…)
Swaps the contents of two instances of soagen::examples::spheres.

Function documentation

void soagen::examples::swap(entities& lhs, entities& rhs) constexpr noexcept(…)

Swaps the contents of two instances of soagen::examples::entities.

void soagen::examples::swap(boxes& lhs, boxes& rhs) constexpr noexcept(…)

Swaps the contents of two instances of soagen::examples::boxes.

void soagen::examples::swap(spheres& lhs, spheres& rhs) constexpr noexcept(…)

Swaps the contents of two instances of soagen::examples::spheres.