Constants module

Compile-time constant values (Pi, et cetera.).


template <typename T>
struct muu::constants
A typed container for static constants, similar to std::numeric_limits.
template <>
struct muu::constants<_Float16>
_Float16 constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct muu::constants<bounding_box<Scalar>>
Axis-aligned bounding box constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct muu::constants<bounding_sphere<Scalar>>
Bounding spehere constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<char>
char constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<char16_t>
char16_t constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<char32_t>
char32_t constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<char8_t>
char8_t constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<double>
double constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<float>
float constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<float128_t>
float128_t constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<half>
16-bit half-precision float constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<int128_t>
int128_t constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct muu::constants<line_segment<Scalar>>
Line segment constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<long double>
long double constants.
template <typename Scalar, size_t Rows, size_t Columns>
struct muu::constants<matrix<Scalar, Rows, Columns>>
Matrix constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct muu::constants<oriented_bounding_box<Scalar>>
Oriented bounding box constants.
template <typename Integer, size_t Dimensions>
struct muu::constants<packed_unit_vector<Integer, Dimensions>>
Packed unit vector constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct muu::constants<plane<Scalar>>
Plane constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct muu::constants<quaternion<Scalar>>
Quaternion constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<signed char>
signed char constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<signed int>
signed int constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<signed long>
signed long constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<signed long long>
signed long long constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<signed short>
signed short constants.
template <typename Scalar>
struct muu::constants<triangle<Scalar>>
Triangle constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<uint128_t>
uint128_t constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<unsigned char>
unsigned char constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<unsigned int>
unsigned int constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<unsigned long>
unsigned long constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<unsigned long long>
unsigned long long constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<unsigned short>
unsigned short constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<uuid>
UUID constants.
template <typename Scalar, size_t Dimensions>
struct muu::constants<vector<Scalar, Dimensions>>
Vector constants.
template <>
struct muu::constants<wchar_t>
wchar_t constants.
template <>
struct std::numeric_limits<muu::half>
Specialization of std::numeric_limits for muu::half.